Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What a Surprise

I just got a phone call from my mother and she had a very concerned demeanor. Apparently, my father told her earlier tonight that I am an atheist. She was very disappointed in me. I was completely caught off guard by the call for the following reason: I thought she already knew. For the past ten year, I have not been shy about being a nonbeliever and would be considered an outspoken atheist by most.

By the way, her reaction when I confirmed her suspicions was: "An atheist, that just sounds so bad."


  1. It is a shame that the word "atheist" has been so abused by religion mongerers, that it now has almost nothing but negative connotations from most people.

    Indeed, atheists are the newest oppressed minority.

    There ought to be a better name.

    Any suggestions?

    I like Rationalists, but it has been taken.

  2. I haven't been sold on Brights yet because it seems to imply that believers are dimwitted. While I do believe that religious belief constitutes some type of delusion, I work with a lot of very intelligent people who are believers.

  3. Brights also sounds a bit too much like line of dolls with interchangable glowing outfits.

    And reeeally big eyes...

  4. Yeah, I don't care for "Brights" myself. I don't think John Polkinghorne and Francis Collins are "stupid". The effort it must take to be that smart and also believe that a man who lived nearly 2000 years ago rose from dead, not to mention things like talking snakes and asses and the rest has to wear them out physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  5. I often look back on how lucky I was to have the choice of being an atheist or not. Ever since my sister converted to Catholicism it's been on my mind a lot, and then I started reading Ray's blog which brings new meaning to the old "train wreck" analogy.

    My parents rarely talked about religion, though it was clear to me on the rare occasions it came up they were confident in their non-belief. Even a child can see how ridiculous the Bible is, unless it's been branded into their brain since before they could think their own thoughts. =/

  6. We don't need a better name. We need to seize the name atheist and make it better, use it in the same way that gay rights activists used queer: loudly and proudly, until nobody could deny their presence or the legitimacy of their cause.

  7. Part of the cool thing about living in an atheistic houshold is the tolerance: my parents wouldn't care if I became a christian, so long as I didn't start preaching to them.

    Plus you can murder kittens and eat babies and worship Satan, and because you don't have any absolute morals you don't have to feel bad about it. Getting burned at the stake every Sunday is a bummer, though.

  8. Sorry wee,

    I don't consider myself an atheist. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

    But there should be something that could unite all non-religionists.

    How about Reasonists?

  9. He,

    Though I agree that there are any intelligent believers, we have to admit that there is a tendency towards lower intelligence, and/or lower education and stiff religiosity.

    Anyway, atheism sounds just fine. I would rather not go that way (changing the word because we might feel offended). I think the stupidity of getting words forbidden because they have been used wrongly or abusively is not that well justified and leads to cultural confusion and language poverty. Of course, some words are coined from the beginning to abuse. But many are just innocent words. I for one detest such terms as "Native American," or "African American," and see no harm on describing myself as brown, just as someone else would describe her/him-self as blond. To say that someone is black or brown or red skinned is just a description. But do not get me wrong, calling an original inhabitant of the continent an "Indian" is geographically wrong, so we might correct that. I also find adding "American" to whatever word is just plainly stupid. Unless you want to use that all over the place and call whites "European Americans" too (which will be geographically wrong in some instances, just like African American will fail from time to time to the intended "description," and what would you call an English who happens to be black too?). See?

    Anyway, just expressing my despise to these "political correctedness" tendencies. I find these terms more racist and/or condescending than the original words. I have much more to complain on "political correctedness," but that is it for now.


  10. Oh but of course, there is a good word that does not lead to language poverty: "skeptic." But "atheist" should be fine if such is what someone truly wants to have precisely implied.


  11. I've never had religion pushed hard on me either. My mother is Catholic and my father is a rather silent nonbeliever. Growing up, I went to CCD until I was in 8th grade and was confirmed. While I had already written off ridiculous ideas like the flood, Satan, Hell, and serpents that spoke Hebrew, it wasn't until high school that I became a nonbeliever. I decided not to hide it anymore after I had gone through with the charade of sponsoring my brother for his confirmation. The good thing about growing up in a Catholic family is that my mom will probably get over this by the time I visit this weekend.

  12. Listen to your mother!

    She knows what she is talking about. You have no idea the disrespect you are showing to your parents, family and most importantly the God who gave you life!

    Darwin and Dawkins were never able to create life from dust. God created you from the dust of the earth. Praying for you !

    God Bless!!!

  13. @ Burton Twins, Rufus & Whateverman

    Do us all a favor, read a book and get_a_education.

    Your comments are illogical.

    I know I should expect 'foolish' remarks, but this is ridiculous!
    Read a good book! Namely the Bible!

    God Bless you atheists!

  14. "It is a shame that the word "atheist" has negative connotations from most people."


    You are absolutely right! What do you expect when God is in control and you slander His name each and every day? Get a clue, you will die and YES there is a 'after life'.

    In the 'after life' satan is in Hell with you, and Christians are in heaven with the Holy Trinity.

    Get it??? Your on the WRONG SIDE!

    In His Love,
    Terry Burton

  15. Get education wrote:
    "Though I agree that there are any intelligent believers, we have to admit that there is a tendency towards lower intelligence, and/or lower education and stiff religiosity."

    Damnit, I can't find that thread over on Dan's site where we talked about the correlation between religous belief and certain statistics...

    Get education wrote:
    "I think the stupidity of getting words forbidden because they have been used wrongly or abusively is not that well justified and leads to cultural confusion and language poverty."

    Heh, I agree. My problem, though, is that even though I see it as a description, others might get offended. So I'm forced to remind myself continuously not to use accurate words to describe peoples appearance, and instead to use non-sensical location combinations which mean the same damn thing anyway.

  16. @mjarsulic

    you said " I work with a lot of very intelligent people who are believers."

    Thank you! I feel the same way.
    I must say that all in all, the believers are more intelligent.

    We look at a glass of water and say it is "half full" whereas the pessimistic atheist says it is half empty. More negative attitude with non-believers.

    What are your thoughts Rufus Burton? :)

  17. @ Wee, you said "use it in the same way that gay rights activists used queer: loudly and proudly, until nobody could deny their presence or the legitimacy of their cause."

    I knew it, your a Lizzie Bi. How's dale your boyfriend doing? Tell him we miss both of you on Ray's blog. God Bless!

    BTW, just because you yell it loud, does not justify your foolish cause. Nazi Germany is a prime example of that with Adolph!

    Have a Nice Day Frauline!!!

  18. Didn't your head implode, Terry?

    Or was that hallucenation just a result of me standing too close to Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle?

  19. @ Quasar, you said "Plus you can murder kittens and eat babies and worship Satan, and because you don't have any absolute morals you don't have to feel bad about it. Getting burned at the stake every Sunday is a bummer, though."

    Without preaching the Bible to you, don't you know who will win at the Battle of Armagedon?

    That's right. satan loses, gets tossed in the Lake of Fire, and those who cheer for him.

    Food for thought atheist! :)
    Your on the WRONG team.

  20. Hi Quasar,

    Yep, that is what infuriates me the most, that I am forced to use such stupid words or be perceived the wrong way. I guess if you are considered "white" you have to be extra careful.

    I get in trouble because I am so against shit. But well, what can I do but to be myself. :-)

    The thing you are looking for at Dan's might be at the conclusion on Johnson's part, or referenced right there. I caanot find the link to those graphs though.


  21. @kaitlyn

    you are the cutest atheist I have ever met. You definitely are unique.

    Have a Great Day!

  22. Terri-

    “Hell is an outrage on humanity. When you tell me that your deity made you in his image, I reply that he must have been very ugly.”

    - Jean-Paul Sartre

  23. Finding God in Russia

    In the 1930's Stalin ordered a purge of all Bibles and all believers. In Stravropol, Russia, this order was carried out with a vengeance. Thousands of Bibles were confiscated, and multitudes of believers were sent to the gulags where most died for being "enemies of the state."

    Years later, Comission sent a team to Stavropol. When the team was having difficulty getting Bibles shipped from Moscow, someone mentioned the existence of a warehouse outside of town where these confiscated Bibles had been stored since Stalin's day.

    After much prayer by the team, one member finally got up the courage to go to the warehouse and ask the officials if the Bibles were still there.…The answer was, "Yes!"

    The next day The Comission team returned with a truck and several Russian people to help load the Bibles. One helper was a young man—a skeptical, hostile, agnostic collegian who had come only for the day's wages. As they were loading Bibles, one team member noticed that the young man had disappeared. He had slipped away, hoping to quietly take a Bible for himself. What he found shook him to the core.

    The inside page of the Bible he picked up had the handwritten signature of his own grandmother. It had been her personal Bible. Out of the thousands of Bibles still left in the warehouse, he stole the one belonging to this grandmother—a woman persecuted for her faith all her life.

    He was found "weeping" — he knew now that God was real.

  24. "I knew it, your a Lizzie Bi."

    I just spit beer at my monitor.

    Can I be a Lizzie Bi too? NM IS pretty hot after all....

  25. Personally, I think atheist is a wonderful word. The only reason some people have bad connotations about atheism is due to the fact that they need to learn more about us!

    If anything, we need to be more vocal about declaring ourselves atheists. :)

  26. Beauty is in the eye of the BEHOLDER bennie!

    God made you, breathed life into you, owns you, and He will discipline you on Judgement Day!

    Who are you to question His handiwork? No one.

  27. kaitlyn,

    That's what I told my mom tonight. I tried to get the point across that it's a positive thing.

  28. mjarsulic,

    I've been in similar situations with my parents.
    My mother knows and has known that I don't believe in a deity and she never had an issue with it.

    UNTIL we were discussing my wedding ceremony and I mentioned that my fiance and I wanted a small, non-denominational outdoor ceremony. She was appalled that I wouldn't be getting married in the Catholic church she hasn't attended in 10 years.

    I never did get why she decided that this one detail was an important one.

  29. Damn Terry, please try and be more coherent man!

    You make me sick. Do you really think your negative attitude attracts anybody to your beliefs?

    Truly man. For your own sake, examine yourself a little bit. Stop your frenetic fight against atheists for a few seconds so you can think and do it (the thinking). Even if you do not like what you see inside yourself, in the immortal words of the Beatles: then you can start to make it better.


  30. I'm happy to be known as an atheist with respect to religion, superstition, etc, but it doesn't define the totality of me. I'm happy to live all aspects of my life without a belief in gods.

    I absolutely loath the name Brights, as it smacks of an English Public School intellectual club, when I'd much rather belong to the Hellfire Club.

  31. I call myself an atheist, but normally just among friends and family. I live in the South. I'm afraid it would wind up hurting me job-wise.

    It's like a secret identity.

  32. @ kaitlyn,

    you said "Personally, I think atheist is a wonderful word. The only reason some people have bad connotations about atheism is due to the fact that they need to learn more about us!"

    Oh! I need to disagree. I have met plenty of atheists, and I have studied your conjectures and theories, but the worst part is that I have seen 'first hand' how a atheistic society works!

    What am I talking about?

    First of all, I saw first hand the USSR before it dissolved. In that society you have no independent thought, no liberties, and the state tells you what to think!

    I visited Beijing, China and I saw it again in the mid 1990s. I was interogated by Red Chinese, accused of being a spy, and my room was tossed. It looked like something from a Nazi movie.

    Just recently I lost a Christian brother in China during the olympics. He was being followed by MIB government men. He was scared for his life. No place to go, confined to his country. He disappeared a few days later.

    No one has heard from him since, and they won't. He is dead. His remains in dog food cans, no doubt.

    You should count your lucky stars that you do not live in a atheistic society in the USA!
    When you have no morales and anything goes, evil will prosper.

  33. I don't like the label "brights" either.

    I think before you can "own" a label, like the gays did, it almost has to be a little negative. That's the trick, everyone is calling you that anyway--then you just claim it. You'd never get enough people to call you anything positive to make it stick.

  34. "but the worst part is that I have seen 'first hand' how a atheistic society works!"

    I don't know why I'm even bothering to point out that all of Terry's examples are not 'atheist societies' but rather Communist ones.

    I further don't know why I'm even bothering to inform him that;

    atheism != Communism

  35. I call myself an "Agnostic Atheist", which confuses the heck out of people who think that "Agnostic" is religous stance. It's not!

    Personally, I think the word "atheist" is fine: to me, it's always been a compliment. But then, I'm attracted to intelligence.

    Atheist girls are hot!

  36. That's a nice story Terry. More about persecution in general than you intend. The end of the story should be a lesson about that, persecution, rather than "he knew God that was real." That is not the proper ending because if the official did not think that God was real then there was no reason to steal the Bible in the first place. Is that really how the little story ends? (I am sincerely curious, not mocking you.)


  37. maragon,

    I know what you're talking about. When my cousin got married, there was a lot of family contention because she decided not to have the ceremony in the Catholic church. In all honesty, I never understood what the big deal is. The best answer I have is that the Catholic church has a seven-step program (sacraments) for becoming the perfect Catholic.

    The scary thing about the Catholic church is that it is close to impossible to get removed from their records. It sickens me that I am probably counted as a member of the church when they lobby politicians to legislate their agenda.

  38. Terry, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Keep me updated if anything turns up.

  39. Actually,

    Atheism != totalitarism != communism either.

    But now, because of the misuse ... totalitarism, by whichever excuse is the problem. A society based on Fundamentalism could be just as totalitarian and dangerous as that based on "communism."


  40. So this is what happens when I step away from the blog for an hour? A Lizzie Bi club starts and I miss the whole thing! Ok, I'm in. Maragon, I'll keep you company any day. ;)

    Thanks, Terry, for getting the Lizzie Bi club rolling !! Those baby eating orgies we atheists have on Sunday afternoons just got a lot more interesting!!

  41. I meant Christan Fundamentalism there.

  42. Oh, by the way, Terry, is it time for meds again?? On Wednesdays do you take the blue pills or the red ones?? Apparently you need to up the dosage, if only slightly.

    Not prayin' for ya!
    Screw HBKS!!

  43. @ G. E.

    Who said I am a 'sheep' Christian?
    eh? I am the furthest thing from it my friend. I'm a warrior for Christ.

    Do you think that Ray is preaching to you? Are you naive enough to believe that? Oh no, he is using you guys to show non-believers how 'foolish' you are with your statements and your actions.

    Every day, the atheists post sarcasm, snide remarks and profanity. You are making his job easier with every 'foolish' comment. Its that simple.

    As far as I am concerned, atheism is a disease and a blight on mankind. I fully believe every word of Psalm 14:1.

    That's why they call me a Believer.
    Atheistic societies like Red China, former USSR, and Nazi Germany are/were a DISEASE!

    There is no Freedom of Speech or Religion in those societies. Christians are killed and persecuted for their beliefs.

    It does not matter how much I preach to a atheist. Oh no! Your hearts are 'hard' against God. The only way to get it soft, is a good 'jump start'. lol

    Have any jumper cables? I will be happy to assist! :)

  44. Maybe Terry is right. Even though I love my sinful lifestyle (I mean REALLY love my sinful lifestyle), perhaps I'm missing out on something by not converting to Christianity or Islam.

    Perhaps I should head down to my local mosque and convert and see how things turn out. It couldn't hurt to experiment.

  45. Terry, I want to convert. Give me a jump start.

  46. Try it. Terry is all for religious freedom.

  47. @ kaitlyn, IRT: dry humor

    You disappoint me with this statement "Keep me updated if anything turns up."

    Referring to my brother in Lord.
    That was pretty cold hearted kaitlyn. I see you for what you really are, A witch! No one 'decent' would joke about a human being that was 'chopped up'.

    This is why I have served for so many years, I will fight atheism to my dieing breath. The evil is there, the deceit is from satan and I know who LOSES! You atheist.

    I would not even joke about an atheist that was chopped up. That shows me you have a deep rooted problem in your heart. satan owns you and is speaking thru you.

    Very disappointed in you.

    You will answer for your crimes on Judgement Day! Hope you like the smell of sulfur and brimstone.

    Ciao Baby!

  48. Terry, I meant that sincerely.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Keep me updated if you hear anything.

  49. Terry, can I still count on you to help me convert?

  50. Terry...Terry...Terry...

    Why must you be an ass to the one person here who will treat you with any decency?

    But does "Ciao" mean you're leaving?

  51. Terry,

    FYI, when I spoke of intelligent believers, I certainly did not have you in mind. BTW, have you whacked off to this picture yet?

  52. Witch, you said "Terry, I want to convert. Give me a jump start."

    Laugh as you want witch, you will burn! Let me tell you a story of a witch I knew. Seriously, she was the one that got me started with being a warrior for Christ.

    She was a white witch as she called herself. She mocked Christianity, said mocking comments like yours, and loved to act 'sweet' to everyone.

    One day, she cast a spell on a guy at school. She cursed him with 'being blind' for awhile.

    The guy ran off the road in his car and he killed someone. Guess who got killed? A close girlfriend of her's! What is the moral to this story? Evil rewards evil with great evil. Life is not a joke Kaitlyn. You may think you can do anything, but that's satan putting that false confidence in you. he is the king of liars, and he will betray you, do not think for a moment that he will reward you with powers for eternity.

    your a fool to believe it. Repent while you can, if you die right now, you will burn in Hell! BTW, Islam will not save you. I have a blog on that as well. Praying for you kaitlyn. Break free of satan's grasp.

    Pray to Jesus Christ! He is the only ONE that can help you.

  53. Terry said...
    "Kaitlyn, you are the cutest atheist I have ever met. You definitely are unique."

    Wow... I actually agree with Terry on one thing. I think Jesus is entering my body...

    Oh no, false alarm. That's the apple that I'm eating entering my body, not Jesus.

  54. Terry, I'm being serious. I want to convert, and I need your help. I don't even know where to begin or go in my area. Can you please help me out?

  55. Those mental health workers need to tighten the straps on Terry's straight jacket.

  56. Kaitlyn,

    If I thought there was any chance, I would help any of you. That includes Rufus, Dale, and Wee. :)

    I only wish Hell on satan and his disciples. If you are a disciple, then I hope you do go to Hell.
    Because, you have sold your soul to the devil. Its that simple!

    Hope you wake up and smell the coffee like Rex Mundane did!
    Praying for you atheists.

    In His Love,
    Terry Burton

  57. Shorter Terry,

    My god is too weak to help you.

  58. This thread delivers.

    Would read again.

  59. Terry,

    Please, I don't want to be Satan's disciple. I want to be a disciple of Jesus, like you. I don't want to go to hell. I want to convert to see if I find God.

    Please save me.

  60. In some weird way I think it's a good thing that Terry has come over to hang out with us and accuse us of witchcraft, ect. At least this means he isn't out doing something crazy in real life.

  61. This is amazing. Terry has posted quite a bit of nonsense on this thread, but has yet to plug HBKS.

  62. A+++ thread !! Would buy from again!!

    Shit, I'm not on Ebay...

  63. @ Rufus,

    who's the psycho? the guy who posts a picture of a alledged psycho on his profile?

    hmmm?? ;)

  64. Can lizzie bi's go to heaven, Terry?

    Does Jesus love women who love women?

  65. Uh oh. forgiven37(Mark) has criticized Terry Burton. The shit has hit the fan.

    "terry read the following

    Matthew 5:11
    "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

    Terry stop trying to police the internet and concentrate on spreading the GOSPEL !"
    September 17, 2008 5:29 PM

    And Terry, you don't matter enough for me to impersonate you.

  66. A side note.

    When the next word starts with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) you are supposed to use "an" not "a".

    I have to put my foot down about grammar.

  67. "This is amazing. Terry has posted quite a bit of nonsense on this thread, but has yet to plug HBKS."

    Now I'm convinced. The end of the world is nigh.

    Oh crap, I still haven't chosen a religon!

  68. Terry, please listen to me.

    I'm sorry if I offended you, that wasn't my intent. I wish you and your friend happiness, and I hope your friend is OK.

    I want to open my heart to Jesus and God. I want to convert. I am a hypocrite for speaking down upon Christianity without trying it myself.

    Please help me convert.

  69. @ kaitlyn,

    laugh as you may kaitlyn, you are the one that is in hot water. Not me. Oops! the Hot Flames! :)

    I know who is the 'top dog' so to speak, and who is a snake in the grass in the Garden of Eden.

    So, tell me how long have you practiced witchcraft?

  70. Terry wrote:
    "who's the psycho? the guy who posts a picture of a alledged psycho on his profile?"

    Didn't Jesus's detractors call him insane at some point?

  71. Terry,

    Please present any evidence that you may have that Kaitlyn practices witchcraft.

  72. The lines between real and fake Terry are getting blurred more and more as the day passes.

  73. @Terry

    You wrote:
    So, tell me how long have you practiced witchcraft?

    Witchcraft? I can barely cast a level 5 magic missile.

  74. @ maragon,

    I can't make that decision on who goes and doesn't get into heaven.

    I do know what the Bible says about sodomy ( which is homosexuality ). If you need the reference, let me know.

  75. Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology. It is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned. As such it is used pejoratively. Instruction in the basic principles of science, in particular, can not properly be called indoctrination, in the sense that the fundamental principals of science call for critical self-evaluation and skeptical scrutiny of one's own ideas.

    I love wikipedia.

  76. @ kaitlyn, level five missile?

    Not trying to ignore the other atheists, but the ladies come first! Sorry, I still have my chivlary. Too many atheists to answer ... all at once. sorry!

  77. Terry,

    I don't know if you've ever seen lesbian porn before, but they don't sodomize eachother - well, they COULD, technically, but in general, that's not what lesbians do...

    So again, can lezzie bi's go to heaven?

    Does Jesus love girl on girl action?

    I have a vested interest in this subject.

    Thanks, Maragon

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Not to detract from the insanity fest we have going on here, but MJ, I really do hope that things work out with your family situation. I went through a sort of similar thing not too long ago. It's not fun.

    Best of luck to you.

  80. kaitlyn:

    I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
    I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
    And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do
    He said that ....

    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang...
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang

    I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true
    I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice
    And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice
    He said to ...

    (Repeat Chorus)

  81. I have to be the first atheist in the mood to actually get saved and give Christianity a shot.

    Terry actually turned me down. Even if he thought I wasn't serious, he wouldn't even give me the benefit of the doubt.

    Maybe I'll join the Unitarian church.

  82. Thanks NM. I'm confident everything will work out fine. I have great parents who have stuck by me before so I don't think this is too big of a deal.

  83. @nonmajic

    I was 'fishing', just like I did with Capt Howdy when he posted a profile pic of a "ouija board".

    It takes a Cold Cold heart to say
    a remark about 'pieces' turning up on a person chopped up person.

  84. Kaitlyn,

    I can never tell when you are serious and when you aren't!

  85. Yeah, sorry to blow up your thread mjarsulic...

  86. Terry,

    Kaitlyn did not say anything of the sort. You took something she said and turned it into what you wanted it to say.

    Also, even if a person has a cold heart, it does not mean that they practice witchcraft.

    You should apologize to Kaitlyn for making unsubstantiated remarks.

  87. Getting back to the topic at hand from before the Burtonkrieg...

    My family has no idea of my atheism far as I can tell. My sister noticed when I read The God Delusion, so I think she may know.

    It's hard to tell if my family would be alright with it. My mother was fine with her gay brother, so I don't think she would cast me out. And that's with her teaching religious education in a parish for over ten years.

    I do agree that the word atheist is the best description though, even though it's sad to me that the natural default position has to have a label.

  88. @Terry,

    You wrote:
    @ kaitlyn, level five missile?

    Level five magic missile is a fifth level evocation spell similar to fireball and cone of cold.

    Evocation spells manipulate energy, space, and time to store energy in inanimate objects. Although, some evocation spells store energy in living beings.

    Someone who specializes in evocation spells is usually known as an evoker.

  89. Terry,

    I thought Christians believed that gays and lesbians go to heaven because Jesus was gay.

    Peter turned around and noticed the disciple whom Jesus kept loving following them. He was the one who had put his head on Jesus' chest at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is the one who is going to betray you?" (John 21:20)

  90. @ Kaitlyn, you said "I have to be the first atheist in the mood to actually get saved and give Christianity a shot.

    Terry actually turned me down. Even if he thought I wasn't serious, he wouldn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. "

    I never turned you down. If you are serious, then why not go down the road to where Ray Comfort is in LA?

    I lived on the west coast for awhile, and its not that far by plane. Drop him a line, or Tony Miano.

    There's a hyperlink on Ray's blog for Lawman Chronicles. He is a close brother of mine. A real stand up kind of Christian Cop! and Evagelist.

    hope that helps Kaitlyn. Maybe Rex Mundane can mentor you as well.

  91. Terry:

    Wouldn't you rather spend time with your wife than waste it online with us evil atheists?

  92. Terry, your sarcasm meter is off. It's currently detecting sarcasm where none is present and not detecting it when there is sarcasm.

    I think they can fix it at the Home Depot.

  93. I don't really believe atheism, as the word is commonly used, is the default position.

    Ignorance != atheism

    I think you only become an atheist after some introspection and critical examination of the alternatives.

  94. @nonmagic,

    I'm very open minded... and goofy. :)

    I'd definitely go through with a baptism or whatever, convert, and write about my experiences here on the blog.

    Terry... isn't being very cooperative though, but that's OK.

  95. Oh yeah. and also when you can shoot level 5 missiles.

  96. Terry, I don't have the money or time to go from San Francisco to LA. I also have no car. I would need local resources.

  97. I say default because no one is born any one religion, just indoctrinated into one. It can diverge from there, but I'd say where ever the spark of thought starts at, it has no position for religion.

  98. Terry isn't helping me much either.

    I need to know whether Jesus loves hot girl on girl action.

    It's super important, guys.

  99. Maragon:

    Jesus loves the girls, but hates the sin. I'm into both myself.

  100. @ kaitlyn cc: nonmajic

    kaitlyn said "Level five magic missile is a fifth level evocation spell similar to fireball and cone of cold.

    Evocation spells manipulate energy, space, and time to store energy in inanimate objects. Although, some evocation spells store energy in living beings"

    Thank you for sharing from your mouth, so to speak. I knew what it was, but I wanted you to say it for the atheists here!

    I could never divulge my identity on Ray's blog, but I have went thru several rituals in Japan and Hawaii. I can not divulge the details, but I know when I am dealing with the forces of darkness after several exchanges of ideas.

    Whether you know it or not, you are a bonafide 'witch' Kaitlyn.
    Be very careful with what you are doing. Your immortal soul is in the balance. I mean that.

  101. Maragon,

    It's a pretty safe bet he is at least accepting of hot girl on girl.

    If Jesus is gay, he'd be understanding. If he's straight, you could see the "son" rise.

  102. Well, actually that Bible passage about homosexuals talks about a man lying in bed with a man as he would be in bed with a woman, which clearly exempts lesbianism as a sin.


  103. It takes a Cold Cold heart to say
    a remark about 'pieces' turning up on a person chopped up person.


    I note that you have emphasised the word 'pieces'. Nobody used this word, except you.

    I sincerely do not believe that Kaitlyn meant for her statement to be a double entendre, as this would be out of character for her.

    I understand you may have misinterpreted her. While I can understand your anger, please do not direct it at the one person who doesn't think that you are a , and is willing to have a civil discourse with you.

    Please, we are trying to help you, just as you are trying to help us. Don't attack us for this.

    Attack us for this: You're a pathetic little peice of bat-shit-insane hyperactive nutjob, with a severely imploded head and smoking a bong you borrowed off of White-robe wearing Darwin on the HMS Beagle, while Ray Comfort applauded your debate from the stern as you used your BigFckingMegaJebusGun to shoot all the demonic burbleburble atheists in the scrotum.

    Help! I'm drowning in Terry's randomness!

  104. Terry,

    In all seriousness, do you take any psychiatric medication? You can tell us. I swear we won't tell anybody.

  105. Some would say the Book of Ruth says God is all for lesbians.

    Genesis 2:24 and Ruth 1:14 use the same word for love. The first is a man and woman, the second two women.

    But only some would say that...

    Yep some. Like I would say that.

  106. He doesn't take the medication, nonmagic. That's the problem.

  107. Quasar,

    I'll bet there is a market out there for BigFckingMegaJebusGuns. All those Jeebus warriors would want one!

  108. Magic Missiles are from Dungeons and Dragons.

    D&D is not occult. It is a game.

    Do you even google anything?

  109. (Terry)

    You said:

    Whether you know it or not, you are a bonafide 'witch' Kaitlyn.

    But I'm of a chaotic good alignment and follow the Book of Exalted Deeds.

  110. That's the kind of gun Sarah Palin uses.

  111. @ Kaitlyn, you said "Terry, I don't have the money or time to go from San Francisco to LA. I also have no car. I would need local resources."

    Hmmm, let me think about that one!
    Have you checked the yellow pages for a Baptist Church, or perhaps a Christian Church?

    I don't know anyone in San Francisco, but I am sure Tony Miano knows a good clergy.

    What's your email address ? I will get right on it. I mean that!


  112. Rufus,

    If he isn't going to take them he should distribute them to all the other Rayheads like Mike&Liz. Those 2 could sure use some.

  113. Magic missiles are for losers.

    Druids are the class to play, kids.


  114. Terry thinks that reading sensationalist and "paranormal" literature is a way of obtaining a science degree. He truly thinks that that diploma of ten years of subscribing to such shit is "The" certificate for his science degree. He probably has it proudly in display.

    (I am serious!)


  115. nonmagic:

    If he has any Percocet or Vicodin, I'll take those.

  116. Terry said:

    "Have you checked the yellow pages for a Baptist Church, or perhaps a Christian Church?"

    Baptists and Christians are the same thing, Terry.

  117. Daddy Stegosaurus said...

    " Maragon,

    It's a pretty safe bet he is at least accepting of hot girl on girl."

    Maybe Jesus WAS a real guy.....

  118. Kaitlyn, you said "But I'm of a chaotic good alignment and follow the Book of Exalted Deeds."

    I understand what you are saying and I have heard the classification of 'white witch' and 'black witch', but in all honesty, the sources is still the same.

    The source of your power, ability to 'cast' power is from Lucifer.

    Am I right ?

  119. GE,

    He has a blog about some paranormal show called TAPS. Maybe they sent him his science degree.

  120. "Do you even google anything?"

    Goo... gal?

  121. Terry, I'll email you. I don't like to post it on the net (spam).

    And you wrote:
    The source of your power, ability to 'cast' power is from Lucifer.

    Am I right ?

    I never really thought about where the ability to cast druidic and arcane spells came from. There are usually verbal and somatic components to casting as well as magical items.


  122. Nonmagic said
    "I'll bet there is a market out there for BigFckingMegaJebusGuns. All those Jeebus warriors would want one!"

    But no-one calls them BigFckingMegaJebusGuns any more. They're better known as the BFmjG9000 now.

  123. @ Rufus, Thank you!!!

    you said "For fuck's sake, Terry, is there nothing you haven't done? Nowhere you haven't been? Nothing you haven't been? You're a true jack off of all trades"

    What can I say!? I spent 23 years in the military. I was a sinner, oh was I a sinner, and I came back to Christianity.

    If I told you how I came back, the Yakuza would carve me up with their samurai swords. That's a fact. It is only by the grace of God that I am breathing. I really ticked off some bad people in Japan. Nuff said.

  124. Kaitlyn,

    You should really try to find a Pentecostal church so you can see weird shit like speaking in tongues, snake handling, people convulsing on the floor, etc. I've always found attending their services to be highly entertaining.

  125. Yeah. Make sure it's a revival too. That way you can get the reeeal good altar calls.

  126. "What can I say!? I spent 23 years in the military. I was a sinner, oh was I a sinner, and I came back to Christianity."

    It's okay, Terry. Alot of men engage in homosexual activities while enrolled in the armed forced. You shouldn't feel badly about it...

  127. Terry,

    I BEG you, please tell us about those wild times in Japan. It's just us hanging out here, it's night time in Japan so they are all asleep and they won't see what you type. We won't tell anybody, I promise.

    Actually, I have this Japanese neighbor that looks at me funny. Should I be concerned?

  128. Kaitlyn, why are you casting magic Missile? Are you attacking the darkness? Don't worry, I had Mordenkind's Magical Watchdog cast.

    And if there's any girls there I want to do them...

    For those who don't get it.

  129. You're doing a bang-up job hiding from the Yakuza with such a great internet alias.

  130. @mjarsulic

    Thanks. I think I'll go to the church Terry recommends. I'll take pictures though.

  131. Kaitlyn,

    You could go down to Florida and ge tin on some of that weird Todd Bentley action. I hear it's better than smoking hash on the HMS Beagle.

  132. Ok Kaitlyn, I will look forward to it. I know a little about the druids and stone henge. The key to alot of this is in the ancient documents.

    I hate to compare it to the Star Wars trilogy, but it is very similar. You have the dark side, and the good side of the force.

    The dark side can deceive you into thinking its all good, when its not at its 'roots'. Buddism is a prime example of that and the Land of Smiles!

  133. Nonmagic wrote:
    "I'm so out of the loop. :("

    Don't worry about it. DOOM humour. I didn't get the D&D reference until someone explained it.

  134. Terry said:

    "The dark side can deceive you into thinking its all good, when its not at its 'roots'."

    Druids can cast roots on people to stop them from escaping.

    Is that what you mean?

  135. I figured it was some nerdy, geeky game, but I was thinking that World of Warcraft.

  136. Terry wrote:
    "I hate to compare it to the Star Wars trilogy, but it is very similar. You have the dark side, and the good side of the force. "
    Kssshhhh... Khhhhhhh... Ksssshhhh... Khhhhhhhhh...

  137. Quasar,

    You know, I have never played D&D once in my entire life? I don't even know what DOOM is. I'm so far out of the loop that I can't even find the loop anymore.

  138. "Rufus said...

    I figured it was some nerdy, geeky game, but I was thinking that World of Warcraft."

    I think I'm the only one talking about WoW.


  139. I can't decide if Terry is a Poe or just really that out of the loop.

  140. Terry, I sent an email to your hotmail account.

  141. "I figured it was some nerdy, geeky game, but I was thinking that World of Warcraft."

    Hey that was my thought, too!

    But don't confuse nerdy and geeky, heretic!

    Nerdy Games: D&D, WoW, etc.
    Geeky Games: Half-Life 2, Halo, etc.

  142. Speaking of Terry, where did he go? Did the nurses finally call lights out and hook up the IV of lithium for the night?

  143. @ Yaeger

    It is hard to believe he's that messed up and still able to operate a keyboard.

  144. Actually, Maragon I play WoW.

    A paladin -- a protection paladin.

    How odd is it for an atheist to play as a class that keeps others safe with the help of The Light?

  145. I would play WoW if they let players change servers easily and freely.

  146. "Yaeger said...

    Actually, Maragon I play WoW.

    A paladin -- a protection paladin.

    How odd is it for an atheist to play as a class that keeps others safe with the help of The Light?"

    Balance druid - raided Sunwell with her in a top 100 guild back when it was first patched in.

    Anyone playing as a gigantic owlbear has got to have issues, amirite?

  147. Nonmagic wrote:
    "You know, I have never played D&D once in my entire life? I don't even know what DOOM is. I'm so far out of the loop that I can't even find the loop anymore."

    Oh, c'mon! The very first First Person Shooter to ever make it big, and you missed it?

    So did I, but I was too young at the time so it doesn't count.

    And I haven't ever played D&D either, so no loss of face there. I hope.

  148. Terry may have jumped over to Ray's blog. A bunch of theists were mad about "Terry" claiming that all animals are God's children. They gave him bible verses to read.

  149. All I know about World of Warcraft is from South Park.

  150. @ Kaitlyn,

    I truly mean this, you have blessed me tonite with your openness. I mean that.

    I would like to address your comment " I never really thought about where the ability to cast druidic and arcane spells came from. There are usually verbal and somatic components to casting as well as magical items."

    Your absolutely right sister. That source comes from the earth. That is the whole center of druid principles. My ancesters were druids. I traced it to England.
    My last name is English. In fact, in my coat of arms is the Black Knight. I have it in the hallway.

    People wonder why I come on so strong with Christianity and its principles. I know for a fact that God exists. I have seen His power in rituals. I know that satan is strong, but not as strong as Him. God Rules! My blood oath is to Him and His Son.

  151. Quasar,

    I used to play a mean, mean game of Sonic the Hedgehog. Am I coolness incarnate or what?

  152. *headdesk*


    all that jazz and such

  153. "Anyone playing as a gigantic owlbear has got to have issues, amirite?"

    The dance alone is hypnotizing

  154. Terry,

    I am really, really curious about those Japanese rituals you spoke of. Please tell us!

  155. Goodnight, my internet companeros.

    Get some rest, Terry. Another big day on the psych ward tomorrow.

  156. Night, Rufus. Don't have dreams about Terrymites!

  157. I need to go to classes in the morning.

    Good night my fellow nerdy atheists. =)

  158. Night, Maragon. Last person out, turn off the lights.

  159. @ Rufus, you left your picture of Groucho on the net.

    Don't forget to get your beauty sleep. Semper Fi !!! :)

  160. @Maragon,

    Did you need that reference for sodomy in the Bible? Let me know!

    I have a concordance and Subject Bible at your disposal. God Bless!

    Sweet Dreams!!!

  161. *Left alone in the dark*




  162. @ r.s.

    IS that you Ranting Student? I see you changed your profile pic.

    I must say it does look better on you. More distinguished. I really do like that actor. Reminds me of Shaun Connery in his younger days.

    take care,


  163. 173 Comments? Damn...not sure I'm gonna read through all this.

    I just wanted to add, as a response to the original post, that I am also disappointed with you.

  164. So I turn off the computer for three short hours and all this happens!

  165. Gosh, living on the other side of the atlantic sucks. I always miss the fun.

  166. Terry, would you be kind enough to explain how you manage to operate a keyboard with such obvious speed and dexterity, given that what you actually type would suggest you wouldn't be capable?

  167. Tilia said...

    Gosh, living on the other side of the atlantic sucks. I always miss the fun.

    I know what you mean, but I have no regrets about living in a society where the denial of the existence of a deity is no big deal.

  168. John Doyle said...

    I know what you mean, but I have no regrets about living in a society where the denial of the existence of a deity is no big deal.

    Good point

  169. Damn I missed all the good stuff too.

    Magic Missiles and all.

    Evokers and Druids are nothing compared to the power of Sigmar. The cleansing fire of Sigmar will burn all Heretics!!

    @Daddy Steg - I am in the Bible Belt and in the same boat. Only a few of my friends know and I would fear for my job if it was known I was atheist. But it is the Christians that persecuted.....

  170. I just wanted to point out that the number of replies in this threat puts Comfort Food to shame

  171. Tilia,

    The fun people have most days in Spain and Italy surpass anything in the USA. These guys live to live. Those are just the ones I know directly. I have heard that other European countries do great as well.


  172. Blah I can't type though I do it all day long...

    "But it is the Christians that persecuted....."

    I meant to say.

    But it is the Christians that are persecuted...

  173. I'm a warrior for Christ.

    Infinitely powerful beings don't need a jester running around with a toy sword...

  174. Ray's thread could have better participation too if he eliminated the requirement for each post to be approved.

  175. Gah! I meant thread not threat. I feel like a douche now.

  176. Goodness, the hijinks you youngsters get up to when I'm not around.

    Terry, in response to your comment of last night, I hereby cordially invite you to bend over and perform a painfully indecent act on yourself. Twice. With a splintery clue-by-four.

    So long as there's no danger of your getting into my bed, it's no concern of yours who (or what) else does get there.

  177. rocky,
    you playing WH Online? I'm along time WH fan myself.


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