Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vera's God Works Supernaturally Naturally

Over at Ray's it seems the "Ark Dimensions" thread is dying, but that has not stopped Vera from giving us some humorous gems:

"The object of this event was to wipe out mankind, not the animals and I think I might have an idea why. This is my own personal belief and I have no evidence other than Scripture to propose it and I am not 100% of its truth. But it is a "possibility." I believe it is possible that Adam and Eve had children before the fall of mankind and these children's children were somehow superior to the rest. They were giants so to speak. There was a problem with this and the evil that was occurring as a result was more than problematic. There is no reason to suppose that technology wasn't on the advance. After all, some artifacts suggest that there were some toying around with batteries etc in the ancient world. So God not only destroyed that whole group of men and women but the animals in the area except for what was brought to the Ark.

There is the possibility that this is Atlantis. I saw a documentary on Atlantis that would suggest that it might be, of all places, in the Mediterranean."
Although she believes in giants and Atlantis, Vera does seem to be coming around as she suggests her god is not omnipotent:

"I believe the answer to your question then is that God didn't create new animals because the whole process would have had to have started all over again and that would have been a very ineffective use of the time and energy it took to get to that point."
And she no longer believes that her god is magical:

"God doesn't work through magic. He works supernaturally naturally through His creation and authority."
She has a lot more good stuff in that thread including her take on mtDNA, statements about the biblical model being testable, and some Hugh Ross worship. I just can't wait for the day that she claims that the Smurfs really existed.


  1. Her poor homeschooled children never stood a chance.

  2. Hey, the Smurfs was a documentary, dude.

  3. Hey, the Smurfs was a documentary, dude.

    Of course it was! They suddenly burst on the scene from nowhere during the Cambrian explosion.

  4. By the way, I have to hand it to Vera at least just this once...and this will for damn sure be only time I ever do unless she wakes up from her persistent delusions. At least she prefaced her statement with this:

    "This is my own personal belief and I have no evidence other than Scripture to propose it and I am not 100% of its truth"

    Now, if every religious person would preface their statements about invisible beings controlling the universe with that statement, we'd be a little bit further down that road towards getting rid of illogical thought and superstition.

  5. Vera replies to me whenever I post over at Ray's.

    I always ignore her now.

    Some of them just aren't worth the effort you put into posting.

  6. He doesn't use magic, he just works supernaturally naturally?

    Okay. I'm not going to post this comment. I'm just going to submit it to have it attached to this post.

  7. Maragon,

    You may have won the prize for causing Vera to hit a new level of stupid.

    In this reply to you she wonders if you are going into an arranged marriage and says that sex creates an unbreakable bond between 2 people.

    But that's not even the best part....

    Ol' Vera says this in the same response:

    "For one thing, unlike other holy books, just about every page contains something you could test, which is what we would expect from a book authored by the Creator whose universe is also testable."


  8. " nonmagic said...


    You may have won the prize for causing Vera to hit a new level of stupid.

    In this reply to you she wonders if you are going into an arranged marriage and says that sex creates an unbreakable bond between 2 people."

    Yeah, it was so bad that I actually replied to it.

    I basically said that I was engaged already and although there were some deep emotions that went into that decision, there was also some rational thought. Sometimes no matter how much you love someone, marrying them is a bad fucking idea. =)

  9. Maragon,

    I just caught your reply to Vera, which was excellent. Also, fantastic reply to guitar425.

  10. Thanks NM,

    I feel so dirty every time I post there.

    I know I shouldn't feed them, but it's so hard not to sometimes.

  11. Maragon said-
    "Some of them just aren't worth the effort you put into posting."

    Who is worth the effort put into posting over there?

    John 19?

    Why bother?

  12. I love the names we have come up with for the Rayheads....


    Carport (lol)


    We should make a collection of these.

  13. Benjamin Franklin said...

    I'd like to think that there are lurkers there who may be fence sitters and a little more open minded. I think I post for them.

    And myself. I need to believe that people can learn to think rationally.

  14. Maragon-

    Karl Popper said-
    "No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude."

  15. Let's see now:





    Witches in Massachusetts?


    Imaginary friends who can convict people of thoughtcrimes?


    A process of understanding the natural world based on evidence and testable hypotheses, without relying on supernatural guesses to fill in the gaps?

    NAAH. Never happen.


    I'm just so glad we got that straightened out.


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