Tuesday, September 9, 2008

'Tis a Puzzlement

Why would God (Ultimate Insider),

Be opaque, or choose to hide, or

Wish to conceal

What may be revealed

By CERN's new Large Hadron Collider?


(blush)  Eh, that one's not too awful.  

I'm currently trying to write a limerickal expression of my forbidden love for Dr. Stephen Cox, a perfectly adorable young man who works on the LHC.  You may encourage me in this dreadful habit by suggesting rhymes for:

  • boson
  • subatomic
  • particle
  • discovery

Many thanks,



  1. You better watch out! That hard on colidder might produce black holes and eat up the earth. Then you'll be sorry!

  2. How about rhymes for Cox?
    Just say that a couple times, ....Cox..cox..cox..cox..cox..cox..cox.. haha, you said cox.

  3. boson:
    * who's on
    * toes on (the rug, etc)
    * crows on (as in makes noise)

    * colonic (best I could come up with)

    * sparticle (duh!)
    * article
    * are tickled (it's a stretch)

    * recovery

    Sorry, that's all I got in me. GL :)

  4. Not sure if you guys have seen this one yet:

    Large Hadron Collider

    You can check in and see if the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet.

  5. " mjarsulic said...

    Not sure if you guys have seen this one yet:

    Large Hadron Collider

    You can check in and see if the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet."

    That link = win.

    I lol'd irl.

  6. LOL at mjar's link.

    Nobody needs to be afraid of science.

    Doggerel, on the other hand, is scary as hell.

  7. Dale said:

    You better watch out! That hard on colidder might produce black holes and eat up the earth. Then you'll be sorry!

    The scientists have actually been getting death threats for that very reason. Cox's response:

    "Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat."


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