Saturday, September 20, 2008

Time to step down?

Hey everyone,

What with the new school year starting just a few weeks ago, I haven't really been able to keep up with with this blog like I did during the summer months. (Getting a Playstation 3 no doubt also eats up some of my time.) When this whole thing started, I was amongst the first so I was made an admin for this blog.

However, what with some of the intrusions, especially some of the abusive language aimed at Maragon (and others no doubt - like I said, I haven't been able to keep up,) I feel like maybe there was some stuff that should have been deleted, but I haven't been able to do so because I'm falling behind on all the posts. Am I wrong? Or should we just leave the abusive stuff up there so everybody can see Terry for the nutbar that he is?

So, I'm wondering if somebody would like to take my place as an admin. Or, if you're all fine with the way things are going, then I'll just leave it as it is. You won't hurt my feelings if you think that there needs to be a little bit more regulating going on here than I have been able to provide. Oh, and I won't speak for the other admins (McGyver Jr. and Ranting Student, I believe). This is from me and me alone.


  1. Well, I'm not an admin...

    But I personally have no problem with you staying admin. You've been doing a dandy job- And, the Raytractors, well, I'd like to say we're tough.

    Tonka tough.

  2. Crap...I thought you were one. See! This goes to show how lousy I am! I don't even know who my fellow admins are!

    I'm gonna go hide in a corner and cry.

  3. Okay, I just looked up to see who was an admin and who wasn't. Apparently there are quite a few more now, including Maragon and Nonmagic. Apparently, I'm a doofus and I'm not so special after all.

    I shall now resume my weeping in the corner.

  4. It's okay.

    Ha ha ha. Well, one vote in favor of you staying as an admin.

    It's too late for clear thinking anyway.

  5. See,
    You're alright in the position you're in.

  6. I don't think anything that Terry says should be deleted because it shows him for what he is. I think if we go around deleting comments, even if they are abusive, then we might be guilty of being a bit like Ray. I kinda go back and forth with myself on that issue.

    I'm not really sure what an admin is supposed to do other than just let people in the blog if they want in, so I think you're doing a fine job.

    Don't cry. If you do I'll punch you and steal your beer. I'm soft like that.

  7. I'm an admin?????

    I didn't know that !!! Apparently I'm not a very good admin if even I didn't know I was one!

    Maybe I need to go hide in a corner and cry!

  8. Holy crap I am. I just checked.

    I shall now use my power to take over small countries and banish fundies to repeated watchings of Dawkins interviews.


  9. Don't cry. If you do I'll punch you and steal your beer. I'm soft like that.


  10. RS,

    I know, I should have been tougher on him but it's late and I'm kinda tired.

    Night all!

  11. skep sorcerer was the other admin at the begining but as I was watching those that pay attention and participate, I added a couple without fanfare. I added Maragon, nonmagic and Stew I believe because they participated regularly, were evenheaded, and well...nonmagic and maragon are both HOT! :) It was not an easy choice, but time here was definately a factor.

    Otherwise, the "abusive comments I left up as based on the thread, those that they were directed at didn't take them personally. The only comments I've deleted is a bunch that "he" posted all saying the same thing over and over as that was just spamming. The remaining serve as a testiment of his issues.

    Lance, feel free to stay, the more, the better the coverage.

    Who knows if I can raise some money (goal is between $100 & $150), things might be changing in the future...

  12. nonmagic, there isn't a lot to do as an admin, I usually just watch out for spam, fix typos and broken links in posts, & update the "cool sip of humor" whenever I laugh at something I see online. I don't mind being the only one to add people as that does tend to expose a person more with the way we do it right now.

  13. Great Job!!! Well done!

    I hate to see you go! Hope you will drop in from time to time, and keep myself and Ray 'company' on his blog as well.

    As far as the 'nut bar' goes, I like to rattle your cages from time to time. You rattle mine and Ray's every single day!!!

    I do enjoy visiting the 'Chimps' at the Zoo (Ray Tractors), and tossing them a banana. God Bless!

    oops! I almost forgot ( getting old )

    BTW, We have an answer to prayer.
    Kaitlyn is doing the same thing that Rex Mundane did! She will be converting to Christianity.

    I put her in touch with retired police chaplain Tony Miano on the west. A close brother of mine. We affectionately call him the Lawman.
    An outstanding evangelist!

    Anybody else interested ???

    Hoping for more of you around the holidays! It would be a great Christmas present for Ray!!! :)

    In His Love,
    Terry Burton

  14. @lance, you said "Apparently, I'm a doofus and I'm not so special after all. I shall now resume my weeping in the corner."


    Don't be so hard on yourself!
    We miss you on Ray's blog. Hope you will reconsider and come back to drop some comments.

    We Miss you!!! Praying for you.
    Hope all is well with you in your
    life, and your students. God Bless!

  15. I think if we go around deleting comments, even if they are abusive, then we might be guilty of being a bit like Ray.

    I definitely agree. It's also a sign of strength that we allow the fruitcakes to say whatever they want. Terry did go overboard, but as long as those he targetted aren't complaining, I think it's better to leave the discussions as intact as possible.

    Addtionally, deleting any of them would ruin the comic genius...

  16. Terry may have to be blocked if he makes a nuisance of himself; I understand that he was banned from one of Dale's blogs for that reason. But don't bother deleting comments (except spam), as I daresay nobody is greatly bothered by that incoherent nonsense. Abusive language is only words, after all.

    With so many members in this group, it makes sense to have multiple admins. But with so many members and so many posts, it makes no sense to expect the admins to act as Commenting Cops. So you needn't beat yourself up about that. You should stay if you can, Lance.

  17. nonmagic said...

    "I don't think anything that Terry says should be deleted because it shows him for what he is. I think if we go around deleting comments, even if they are abusive, then we might be guilty of being a bit like Ray. I kinda go back and forth with myself on that issue."

    And I agree.
    Don't delete anything on my account.

    I'm surprisingly thick-skinned. =)

  18. I been away on vacation, so I'm haven't caught up yet, but FWIW I vote we don't delete comments so I can tell Terry and Tony Miano to go rim-job each other in a Minneapolis airport bathroom.

  19. Don't cry. If you do I'll punch you and steal your beer. I'm soft like that.

    I always lock up my beer before I go into a corner and cry. I'm prudent like that.

    Oh, and it looks like I'll stay on. There are always breaks and I'm sure there will be plenty going on next summer as well. Also, once I get more into the swing of things, I'll probably have more time to join in.

    I had contemplated this post for a few days, and now that I look at it, it seems almost like a desperate cry for attention. That's okay though - I am kinda needy.

  20. Hey lance,

    Don't feel bad, I'm not as active on this blog as I was in the summer. Stupid school ruins everything.

    "I had contemplated this post for a few days, and now that I look at it, it seems almost like a desperate cry for attention. That's okay though - I am kinda needy."

    I think it looks more like you had a decision to make and we (well not really me because I was late to this conversation) helped you work it out.

  21. A little off topic- Did Ray delete his blog post from yesterday?

  22. That was like the only post I commented on this month :-(
    I wonder why he deleted it??

  23. I do not know.

    It was a good thread too.

  24. I just now noticed that, yes, he did delete the post from yesterday.

  25. I can't believe that you guys would accuse Ray of deleting posts. I mean, just because he does it, that's no reason to accuse him of it.


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.