Friday, September 19, 2008


Terry has posted the exact same comment both as himself and "The man" on Maragon's Untitled Post and and the late night randomness post. To those with Admin abilities, if you see posts that are repetitive, threatening, ranting and do not apply to the discussion at hand, feel free to delete them; especially if they appear to come from a shell or faked account. I do not like to do this, but unfortunately an unstable individual is not letting me ignore this. I am looking into a more permanent option.


If you cannot conduct yourself as an adult, and act your appropriate age, please either remove yourself and seek appropriate help or else I will seek a more permanent option of blocking you from this blog. We are all about conducting a civil discourse even with those we disagree with, you are being abusive and disruptive.


  1. Terry's has lost it. He's beginning to move into Ted Kaczynski territory. I figure before very long Kinky Friedman will have to rewrite his song "The Ballad of Charles Whitman" and call it The Ballad of Terry Burton. I can't wait to see what he posts over at Comfort's blog next. And I hope some folks from there accept my invitation to check out their brother in Christ Terry over here.

  2. There is nothing crazy about having a hundred profiles, a thousand blogs, and numerous nonsensical rants with scripture quotes....

    Terry has gone off the delusional deep end with this evangelical shit. Thousand yard stare....thousand yard stare.

  3. Well it will be obvious to them: he is a false convert.

  4. Ah, but I'm sure some of them will blame us for Terry's breakdown.

  5. Honestly, with Ray publicly dismissing Terry's claims and Terry's almost certain unbalanced nature. I actually fear for Ray's life. Terry exhibits traits of the obsessed fan that would possibly kill the person they are obsessed over.

    Terry, I really think you should seek professional help.

  6. There is nothing crazy about having a hundred profiles, a thousand blogs, and numerous nonsensical rants with scripture quotes....

    I'll admit that I've actually considered changing my profile info; Terry does seem literally to have gone off the deep end.

    With that said, I think there's a fine line between spoofing an online profile for the purposes of satire, and "{snip}not conduct{ing} yourself as an adult".

    Just piping in with my $0.02. I'm not an admin on this blog, and won't assert that Terry shouldn't be banned. I just think, as enjoyable as it was, I'm probably also guilty of being (deliciously) immature too.

    Not gonna change my profile pic, tho :)

  7. @Wham! Veteran: :)

    I don't want to ban people, I'm all for a free and open discussion, however, when I logged in at 8am I had to delete the same comment that had been posted by "you" 18+ times, it was a nonsensical rant that made general threats. That's what pushed me beyond the point where I thought this was acceptable.

  8. In case it's not clear, the reason it pushed me beyond is that it is just spamming the site. and that is expressly forbidden in the comment section instructions.

    "Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away."


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.