Thursday, September 4, 2008

Terry Burton has a Twin Brother

From Ray's "Palin Rocks" thread:

"AMEN brothers! The blessings just keep flowing to our nation. My brother (twin) and I are in total agreement. "

Am I the last to find this out? Is this brother real or imaginary?


  1. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. - 1 Timothy 2:12 (NIV)

    How exactly is it OK for a woman to be the Vice President if the bible says women shall have no authority over a man?

  2. Nick, this would be a good question to pose to Jean in the post below. Can't wait to see what insane imaginings she comes up with for this one.

  3. How exactly is it OK for a woman to be the Vice President if the bible says women shall have no authority over a man?

    Before you go any further, could you try to pull up a quote from Comfort or another Christian who now supports Palin who said Clinton shouldn't run for office because a woman should not have such authority?

  4. Yeah, TB has a twin brother. Growing out the side of his neck.

  5. Hi Kaitlyn

    Are you familar with Vera from AC?
    I don't think I'd be able to find the qoute as it was a while ago, but she spoke of how the bible states that women should not run churches because they're too gossipy and churches need to be run by a strong manly man. Not the same, but I think it would be reasonable to extrapolate her views when in comes to a woman in the White House.

  6. Before you go any further, could you try to pull up a quote from Comfort or another Christian who now supports Palin who said Clinton shouldn't run for office because a woman should not have such authority?

    Can't find anything at Ray's blog, luckily he doesn't talk about politics much.

    I'll look around the web some more, but if someone else can find a quote like that it would indeed be an excellent example of how biblical morals are incredibly flexible.

  7. "Before you go any further, could you try to pull up a quote from Comfort or another Christian who now supports Palin who said Clinton shouldn't run for office because a woman should not have such authority?"

    Kaitlyn as much as I have soft spot for Palin, I do think true Christians should not be supporting her running for VP. Mainly because she has children and she is running for VP, how wrong is that. I feel she is neglecting her baby and family and not being a good role model for women, what she is doing is not in line with what the bible says about women. I also think she is on a feminist mission, not really biblical. I think some Christians are lost in the fact that she is a Christian, but they are forgetting that she is also refusing to obey the same book she stands by. This is tragic. Its not even an issue of authority, its an issue of Palin refusing to obey her God given role as wife and mother.

  8. This is off topic, but when can I become a Raytractor?

  9. Aha, was only a matter of time, Kaitlyn :-P

    I keep wondering if I want on the sidebar, too...

    And also off topic: would anyone join an Atheist Nexus group if one was made?

  10. Kaitlyn,

    Send MacGyver Jr. an email and I'm sure he'll sort you out with a free membership card, copy of the God Delusion and a portable abortion kit.


    Congratulations on setting your gender back a thousand years (or two).


    You called it!

  11. Actually, there's a bit of a contradiction in the New Testament on what the role of women in the church should be. For example, Romans 16:1-4 speaks of Phoebe and Priscilla. Depending on what translation you use, it either calls for Phoebe to be a servant or deaconess of the church, which seems to indicate that she may have been in a position of authority. Acts 18:26 describes Priscilla explaining "the way of God more adequately" to a man named Apollos.

    I don't consider myself to be a bible scholar of any means, but if I wanted to justify that it's OK for women to be in positions of power, I'd use those verses as an example.

  12. Nice one Jean, we can always count on you to come through for us!

  13. Jean should get to know Phyllis Schlafly a woman who left her "job" as a housewife to tell millions of other women to get back in the kitchen. They could be best buddies as they are pistol whipped for mouthing off to men who didn't need to be told that they're always right.

  14. Kaitlyn said...
    This is off topic, but when can I become a Raytractor?

    Not that my opinion means anything because it doesn't, but I think you are a bit too sympathetic to Ray to be a Raytractor.

    Now, I haven't checked the qualifications link and didn't recieve a memo on it, and I am always saying shit that seems to be rather controversial (someone has to ask the tough questions,) and I do like your amiable demeanor, but from what you write, I thought you were working for Ray.

  15. Send MacGyver Jr. an email and I'm sure he'll sort you out with a free membership card, copy of the God Delusion and a portable abortion kit.


    You can also email me. Remember, I'm a mod here - I can pull a Ray Comfort and censor all of you!

    Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I am drunk with power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I'm mad. I didn't get the abortion kit. I was just told that I had to impregnate a teenager and then encourage her to get an abortion. We must have better funding now.

  16. Dale
    So, Jean, you're a masochist?

    If that is your definition of a born again Christian/ Slave of God then maybe according to your thinking you are right.

  17. If there is a God, the you're only its slave very indirectly. In the meantime, you remain a slave to those who claim to have brought you the God's word and slave of those whom said word benefits.

  18. Sorry to disappoint, the free portable abortion kit has been downgraded to a rusty coat hanger some rope, and a Hefty® Bag. Our budget is tight this month. However, we do have a great deal on used placenta...

    And ALL who disagree with Ray are welcome, we'll get you signed up quick Kaitlyn, just need an email to send the invite.

  19. So, Mac, how about cutting me a deal on five pounds of placentas?
    (Atheist pot luck Saturday night)

  20. R.S. and everyone else:

    I need a new logo, and they don't provide dimensions so it looks really dumb.

  21. This one still cracks me up:

    nonmagic said...
    I just saw that. How tragic.

    An equally insane twin?! I can see the fun in that...


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