Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin is the best thing to happen to Democrats....

Well, I guess they just lost the conservative Christian vote.....

Bristol Palin, 17 and un-wed is knocked up.

Hell, even as a liberal I think that's pretty fucking bad parenting. I guess this is what happens when you teach 'abstinence only'.


  1. This doesn't bother too much. It shows that abstinence only doesn't work very well, even if you have the right "family values", but it's their business.

    This one bothers me more:

    11. Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I'll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

    That's plain old ignorance or deception.

  2. It bothers me because she's basically ruined her young adult life. I feel bad for the girls I knew who got pregnant in or right out of highschool and never had the chance to properly experience university life.

    Besides that, she's marrying the father - who is probably another highschool aged kid. I don't know about you guys, but my taste in partners has certainly evolved since highschool. And I'm glad to have had the chance to date different types of people in order to be certain that the man I chose is the best of the best. =)

    And yeah, that Pledge of Allegiance thing struck me as ignorant as well.

  3. Abstinence only works very well. Its the only way that works. Parents who teach their children anything else have no love for their kids.
    Bristol Palin made a mistake and sinned. But I am glad she is not killing the baby and she is also marrying the father. Way to go. The girl certainly is doing something right at least. Her parents have raised her well.
    Maragon its sad that you have to put yourself through hundreds of relationships to finally get the best of the best - whatever that means! Love does not exist in your vocabulary then.

  4. Your ignorance is so apparent and so sad, Jean.

    Abstinence only plans have been a huge failure in the United States. They have done nothing to combat teen pregnancy and they've left millions of teens uneducated and unable to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. The majority of kids are sexually active at age 17 - regardless of whether or not they received abstinence only or proper sexual education. The difference is that children who were PROPERLY taught about sex are far more likely to use contraception and practice safe sex.

    "Maragon its sad that you have to put yourself through hundreds of relationships to finally get the best of the best - whatever that means!"

    I highly doubt anyone could have 'hundreds' of relationships. I dated different people throughout high school and university. I had 4 'serious' relationships - including my current fiance - not dozens or scores or hundreds.
    What I was asserting was that you meet many different types of people in high school and university and grow and change as a person. Your priorities at 23 are very different than what they were at 17.

    And the best of the best means that I know enough about other people and about myself and about my fiance to know that he and I will have a successful, loving and life long partnership.

    "Love does not exist in your vocabulary then."

    At the risk of offending my fellow bloggers here - you're an arrogant cunt, Jean.
    Just because I don't ascribe myself to your pathetic, damaging and narrowminded worldview doesn't mean I don't love my fiance.

    In fact, you could say I love him far more than you love your husband - because I choose to be with him because of my feelings for him, not because 'god' told me I had to marry the first man who shoved it in me.

    Have yourself a crazy, bigoted day, sweetie.

  5. "They raised her well" and "She's finally doing something right."

    You don't listen to yourself, do you, Jean?

  6. I will have to leave this before it gets nasty Maragon, that is not my intention. But I hope you will actually marry your fiance as you say you have finally found the best of the best at last. And my advice is that you submmit to his authority when you do wed.
    I met my husband at 17 and we are stll together 9 years later, and so grateful that God is showing me the true meaning of being a wife. Please dont get angry at me Maragon, am just sharing the truth that you so need in your life.

  7. Lady, from what I've read, Maragon does not need anything from you.

    Marriage is a partnership of equals. I hope to hell Jean, that when you "submit" to your husband that he doesn't become abusive, because your holy book does not allow that as a reason to divorce.

    At least, not that I know of. If anyone knows different, please let me know.

  8. If I 'submitted' to my fiances 'authority' - he'd leave me.

    He loves me as a person, not as a sperm receptacle that can also slice, dice and clean up after him. I am allowed to have and express my opinions, which often match his. And when they don't we discuss and debate rationally until we come to a consensus. Sometimes he changes my mind, sometimes I change his - but that's what being responsible adults is all about; working together and compromising to achieve common goals.

    Submission(unless its sexual roleplaying, which I'm down with) only needs to occur when the people in the relationship don't actually respect each other and one feels the need to 'lord' over the other. I pity those people.

    And you've never said anything to me that I consider remotely relevant or 'true', Jean. I don't believe in your magical skydaddy and you've never given me a compelling reason to as of yet. Until you do, I dismiss anything you say as the mindless psychobabble of a weak woman who's been brainwashed by those who seek to control her.

  9. I forgot to say, Jean. You brought the "nastiness" on yourself through your self-righteouw arrogance. Maragon sounds like she was smart about how she found her fiance, yet you go and accuse her of not being loving?

    Maragon said a "bad word"...ooooh. Yet after what you said to her, you want to leave before it gets "nasty"?

    You'd damned well better have the guts to finish this here, Jean, or I'm going over to your blog.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've decided to post on her blog just in case she doesn't show up here again, because we got too "nasty" for her.

    By the way, if you look down the left hand side of her blog, you'll find this:

    Holy is His mame.
    Needs spellcheck.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Jean said...
    "But I am glad she is not killing the baby and she is also marrying the father."

    Yeah and how much of that do you think was her decision? Again, as far as I know if you look at the research abstinence only doesn't work. With regards to purity and what true love between two people is, you're judging what is love by your god's standards and no one has proven yet that he exists, let alone that we know what he wants.

    On a side note, why Palin? What does she have to offer , even to McCain's campaign? I heard they didn't even like her in Alaska and she was all about Alaska.

  14. Even if it was not her desision, at least she is obedient and obeying her parents. She made her bed she has to lie in it. There are always consequences to sin. Her parents knows whats best for her. Killing the baby is not the answer.
    Dont know much about American politics, but I already love Sarah Palin. Heard she is Pro- life and hates killing unborn babies. She has a lot then to offer....

  15. Jean,

    Would you love her after you found out that she recklessly endangered the life of her 5th born child while delaying going to the hospital for over 23 hours while she flew on a plane back to Alaska?

    How about the fact that she had an invasive procedure early on in her pregnancy to determine whether or not the child had birth defects? This procedure carries a chance of miscarriage with it.

    Maybe you should educate yourself about something before you choose to talk about it - then you wouldn't sound so willfully ignorant.

  16. Palin is also against gay rights and anti-environment.
    What if Bristol's future husband is abusive or a bad father, you shouldn't be forced to marry someone because you got pregnant with them. Abortion isn't the only other option either, she could give the baby up for adoption.

  17. This is the result of the "abstenince only" message.

    Teens are going to get into these situations, if they don't know how to protect themselves, this is what you get.

    I think this is very appropriate for this stupid VP pick.

    She will have to bow out.

  18. Palin's daughter is a product of her irrational belief system. She got into a situation and did not know how to handle it.

    Typical fundumbmebtalist relults

  19. First just let me say that I would not vote for McCain/Palin if you paid me. Never.

    Next, all I can say about the Palin situation is that of it had been my daughter I would talked to her about all of her options and helped make a decision that was best for her future. If she decided, with the support of her family that abortion or adoption were right for her, then that's what we'd do. If she decided keeping the child was what she wanted to do then that's what we'd do.

    I also would not hear of her getting married at 17 years old.

    Jean, you present some of the most ignorant arguments for things that I have ever seen written on the net. And who the hell do you think you are saying that if a person has multiple relationships that they don't know what love means?

    I personally lived with 2 different boyfriends over a period of years to make sure that marriage was the right thing to do. I'm glad I did, because it turned out neither relationship was right and I found my current husband, whom I also live with for 4 years before marrying. We are both very glad we did it.

    We heard tons of blah blah about how marriage was going to be so different an how everything changes when you get married. You know what changed for us? Tax status. That's it. We're just as happy now as before we had a marriage license. Nothing changed.

  20. Yeah marriage is just a government thing and a piece of paper, it has nothing to do with love.

  21. "Palin is also against gay rights and anti-environment"

    Jean said ...
    Would not have a slight problem with that.


    Why does that not surprise me. Have you ever considered that moral behavior is being considerate of the rights of others rather than trying to force Bronze Age wackiness down their throats. I guess not. I look forward to reading a future blog entry from you explaining why protecting the environment is a bad idea. Have a great day being submissive and such.

  22. "Next, all I can say about the Palin situation is that of it had been my daughter I would talked to her about all of her options and helped make a decision that was best for her future. If she decided, with the support of her family that abortion or adoption were right for her, then that's what we'd do. If she decided keeping the child was what she wanted to do then that's what we'd do"

    Non magic, am so glad you are not Bristol's mother. Thats all I can say. God has blessed her with godly parents, hope she realizes how fortunate she is. This blog has made me appreciate Palin even more, I really like her now. I mean it. She is on the right path.

  23. Jean,

    God didn't bless that girl with anything because there is no god.

    You're glad I'm not her mother why? Because I would help her make a decision that is best for her and make her consider her future?

    Of course you appreciate Palin. You also appreciate slavery and illogical submission to people due to their gender. Tell us, Jean, what other fairy tales and kooky beliefs go on in that head of yours?

  24. "This blog has made me appreciate Palin even more, I really like her now. I mean it. She is on the right path."

    Despite the fact that she twice intentionally endangered the life of her 5th child? Despite the fact that her actions could have resulted in miscarriage or stillbirth?

    Your god doesn't exist, Jean, but if it did I would gladly endure 'eternal torture' if it meant I could oppose bigots, charlatans and hypocrites like yourself.

  25. Jean Gasho-Musuka

    Dont know much about American politics, but I already love Sarah Palin. Heard she is Pro- life and hates killing unborn babies. She has a lot then to offer....
    More than your baby-killing god ever did, lady. Remember the OT? I imagine you'd use the same excuses that the Ray Comfort people are using...all I'm responding to, and all are unimpressive.

    They all amount to "man's sin", never minding the fact that those kids didn't do a thing to deserve it themselves.

    One other thing...why would you be against those who are "pro-environment"? Aren't xians supposed to be "caretakers" of the earth or something, or are you one of those characters who equates environmentalisms with paganism or something?

  26. Reynold,

    For alot of christians preserving the environment is useless because Jesus is just going to come and blow it up anyways in the end times.

  27. You are right SS.
    I dont worry too much about the earth because when Jesus comes again this earth will be destroyed. I worry more about the lost than get into a hysteria about the environment. Its crazy. Will leave that to you guys. Christians are called to seek and save the lost (people/ humans) not the environment.

  28. Jean, do you see though the kind of consequences fundamental christianity has if the bible is wrong?

  29. Oh! I know the answer to that one!


    The very thought is absolutely, positively, completely INCONCEIVABLE!

  30.      I am wondering how receptive the core Republican base (which still seems to believe that women should be submissive) will be to a woman running for the vice-presidency.

  31. Wow...someone here is CLEARLY off their rocker.

    I'm actually a bit horrified.

  32. "I dont worry too much about the earth because when Jesus comes again this earth will be destroyed."

    Its been 2000 years and counting...

    "This generation will not taste death" he said to his disciples, the lying bastard.

    Jean fortunately doesn't get to vote for McCain/Palin because she lives in the UK. But her brand of primitive insanity is widespread.

  33. I forgot to add, Jean won't be sending her children to university or even school, for the same reasons that caring for the environment doesn't matter.

    If Jesus is coming soon Jean, don't waste their time with school eh? More important things to be done.

    And if you or your family get ill, don't bother going for tratment Jean, coz jesus is going to destroy this earth.

    Hang on, you're a nurse ...

  34. What I don't understand is that supposedly Sarah Palin made the announcement that her daughter was pregnant in response to rumors that baby Trig was Bristol's baby. I guess that means they planned to keep the pregnancy quiet and out of public scrutiny, which is all well and good. But if you wanted to squelch rumors why not release delivery room pictures or a statement from your OBGYN or a birth certificate? Why out your daughter when it isn't necessary?

  35. "Christians are called to seek and save the lost (people/ humans) not the environment."----Jean

    There you have it. Lunatic fringe operative.

  36. @jean--

    "Palin is also against gay rights and anti-environment"

    Would not have a slight problem with that.


    No surprise, really. You support slavery, too as I recall.


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