Thursday, September 4, 2008


I can't believe this wasn't thought of already...

The Religion of Raytractorism (note capitalization)

Pope: Ray Comfort is a cunt mouth lying sac of shit." (thanks to dale)
Holy Book: That one which Ray is writing and wanted our help with atheism on...*free copy w00t!*
Fellowship: Rational minds
Faith: The belief that our knowledge of Ray Comfort's ignorance in everything is correct (which it is).
Agenda: To debunk Ray Comfort, deconvert his followers, bankrupt Living Waters, and preside over the gay marriage of Ray and Kirk.
Moral Code: If Ray Comfort agrees with it, you can be pretty sure it's immoral.
Language: Skeptish
National Holiday: Every fucking day.


  1. Adrian,
    With all due respect, please (!) don't re-submit any of my contentious comments! I get in enough trouble all by myself without you reminding everybody.

    As to the rest of your Post, I can't quit laughing!

  2. WOO HOO!!!

    I bless you all with my magic scepter of booze

  3. 'Agenda: To debunk Ray Comfort, deconvert his followers, bankrupt Living Waters, and preside over the gay marriage of Ray and Kirk.'

    Ray is beyond bankrupt. He has no more than ten vocal adherrents to his irrational/ supernatural belief system supporting him on his blog.

    For the amount of donations he supposedly recieves, it is very curious that those donaters don't come to his support.

    That is what leaves me to think that maybe he has a couple major contributors (albeit ananymous.) He sure isn't bringing in all that money by selling shit on his side bar.

    Ray is subsidized----- Somebody is propping up his dead body to look like he is still alive.


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