Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Need a script

Everyone knows this image, by world class cartoonist Richard Gunther: Ray posted it recently, as an accompanyment to his pity party.
I'm going to do up a "What really happened" parody tomorrow, with all three characters drawn... well... as well as I can draw. It's not great, but it's better than this, and I'll be trying to make them look intelligent nice godless atheists rather than ugly evil godless athists.
I need a script, and volunteers to base the characters off of. Maragon has volunteered herself and the upper portion of half of her right breast, so she'll replace the drag queen on the far left. And the picture is all Nonmagic's fault, so she has to feature as the one who makes the suggestion on the right (Unless you've got a problem with this, NM?). I can base the girls off of their avatars.
We need a male character for the middle guy with the laptop. And a script. Don't forget the script.
Any volunteers, or objections? Or scripts?
Or is this just a stupid impulse idea which I'm going to completely regret tomorrow?


  1. All you have to do for the real script is replace the word 'beat' with the word 'engage': job done.

    Of course, this isn't very funny. I'll leave it to the wittier members of the team to really give him something to *ahem* choke on...

  2. The script will have to have reference to the intelligent design of certain objects, such as bananas and penises, to fit hands, mouth, and other bodily orifices.

  3. Mmmmmm... Intelligent Desiiigggn... [drools]

    Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to warn Ray and Richard, but then I thought it'd be a better idea to wait until I've actually drawn the parody and can show them it.

    This is the comment I was about to put into his blog, as well as e-mail to him, but didn't.

    "To Ray Comfort/Richard Gunther:

    I intend to do a parody cartoon of the cartoon accompanying this post, with my own artwork, different text and displaying the atheists as intelligent and witty, rather than the ugly and crude steriotypes you portray in this artwork. I write this comment not to ask permission to do this (Legally I do not need this, although I would appreciate your blessings), but instead to request that I can display your cartoon next to it with the heading "Ray Comforts Mind" above it (the parody itself would be accompanied by the heading "What really happened").

    Obviously, all credit to the true author of this insulting and degrading caracature would be given, as I would not wish to be taken as the author of such an image.

    For this (displaying the original next to the parody) I need to request your permission, since your blog explicitly states that I may not reproduce the cartoons without it in writing.

    Thank you in advance,

  4. I don't have a problem with this at all, I think it's a great idea.

  5. Hi Terry. Good to see you.

    Coherent as always.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oooh! Me! Me! Me! Base it off of me! Put a big ol' beer in front of me too. (I don't smoke.)

  8. @ The Man

    What is gross about bananas and god's wonderful anatomical designs?

    Your self hatred and loathing of fruit is showing

  9. Okay Lance. How much beer?

    Glass, Mug... Bucket?

    And should we keep the horns and tail, or photoshop them out? ;)

  10. Draw a mustache on the last guy and write the name of one of Ray's books on the yellow book?
    2 offtopic things:
    -Today I got a JW at my door. I listened to his spiel and was about to talk to him when the JW guy goes "I'm not going to listen - just take these!" and shoved some magazines into my hands. I guess they know me. One of my housemates heard it and was really annoyed.

    -I FINALLY saw a Ray Comfort tract in real life. Well, part of one. There is a ship-full of Christian missionary types at our town's dock. And they must of gone into town because I found two torn-up copies of Ray's optical illusion tract*. I hung around town for ages hoping to see one but no luck....

    *(It could've been one tract because I only found small bits)

  11. Terry:

    I've been looking for you over at Ray's blog. Where ya been?

  12. I love this idea, Quasar. And of course you'll have regrets, but don't let that stop you! Regrets are merely the most obvious symptom of a life well lived.

    I second Lance's nomination of himself for Guy In The Middle. Can't wait to see the script.

  13. Wee,

    "Regrets are merely the most obvious symptom of a life well lived."

    I love that. I may have to steal it.

  14. Glass, Mug... Bucket?

    Stein, definitely.

    And should we keep the horns and tail, or photoshop them out? ;)

    I'll leave that to you.

  15. I second Lance's nomination of himself for Guy In The Middle. Can't wait to see the script.

    Just realized that puts me in a Maragon/Nonmagic sandwich. Awesome.

  16. Will the facial expressions be of laughing or crying, or both at once?

  17. I like the idea, but perhaps with a little more work, we can make a more impactfull statement.

    How about if we photoshop the last supper with faces of great thinkers, agnostics and atheists, with conversation baloons all showing rational statements and logical arguments. We might need to put name cards in front of the attendees, because too many of htese homeschooled dimwits couldn't identify Abe Lincoln from Ken Ham, or name a single Enlightenment writer.

    (I was going to say they couldn't identify Kant from cunt. Not wanting to offend the ladies, I didn't at first, but since we are all nothing but a bunch of heathen pornographers and child molesters over here, screw it!)

  18. Atheist #1-
    "Ray obviously refuses to understand any logical arguments."

    Atheist #2-
    "So we'll have to do the only thing left to us."

    Athiest #3-
    "Pamela Anderson reading 'On the Origin of Species'"

    Atheist #3-
    "Steal his soul and replace it with the conciousness of Carl Sagan"

    Atheist #3
    "Call in the talking serpent!"

    Atheist #3
    "Send over Terry Burton"

    Atheist #3
    "Activate the Ray Comfort android!"

  19. Heh. "Activate the Ray Comfort android."

    Wait... maybe that's what future me from that temporal paradox a while back was trying to warm me about? Remember?


  20. Back on topic: I've drawn all three people (although Lance still looks like a bit like God. And I had to improvise for Nonmagic's hair)

    Currently (it's easy enough to change them) Maragon has a thoughtful frown, and Nonmagic is leaning back and grinning. Lance has his arms crossed, and has no face. See above.

    They're in black and white, and seperate images, so I need to photoshop them into the same image and colour them. I think Benjamin Franklin has the right idea for the script, a close parody of the original. Something like...

    - "We obviously can't influence Ray with logical arguments..."
    - "So we'll have to do the only thing left to us..."
    - "Screw it. If God didn't want us to photoshop banana's, he wouldn't have given us Ray Comfort!"


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