Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Favorite

"Jason" over at Atheist Central has really set Terry Burton off. He has Burton's pic as his profile pic. In one post Terry warned him to take it down, then in the next he said he'd reported him to Google for identity theft and impersonation. I have an idea; let's all use that photo on our profiles for awhile. Maybe we can make Terry's head explode.


  1. Also, content aside, his dozens of blogs are horribly made. It's one entry about the blog's topic and the same 50 banner ads on all of his other blogs. The stupid makes my brain hurt.

  2. I know, those ads. Does he make money off of them? And I don't think I've seen anything original on those blogs, just stuff he's copied and pasted. What a piece of work.

  3. Warn me, before you do that. Seeing Terry's face everywhere would really be too much for my nerves ;)
    I don't want to spoil the fun, but are you sure that is legal? Doesn't he have some kind of copyright for his pictures? Would be a pity if he managed to remove us all from Ray's blog.

    some parts of his copied and pasted stuff are even in German. I doubt he reads through everything he's posting. Or does he understand foreign languages now?

  4. Language Science Degree, obviously.

  5. Also reading the thread...


    Does Shiver do any of his own thinking? Ever?

  6. I'll do it.

    Being a dick to crazy people from a safe distance is funny.

    I said it.

  7. I've got my own blog, the latest entry being about just finding out that my Gram has pancreatic cancer.


    I guess I've been pretty hard on Terry lately, as he took the time to visit and add a colorful comment.

    I think the guy's starting to go over the edge.

    BTW: I noticed other people using Terry's photo and loved it

  8. Wow whateverman. So much hatred in that posting.

  9. Agreed - it even sounded more unbalanced than his usual Unbalanced Self.

  10. Who would Jesus Mock, Ridicule, Hate and act like a douchebag towards?

  11. This profile picture makes me feel super ugly - just pointing that out.

  12. Tilia said: Would be a pity if he managed to remove us all from Ray's blog.

    Would it? Really?

    Speaking for myself, I'd go through withdrawal for about an hour, and then move on.

    There's enough stupidity in the world - one less idiot in my queue isn't going to make a dent.

  13. By the way, Terry once used my photo and name for several days. That is why I took my pic off my profile.

    He can dish it out but he sure can't take it. What a whining sniveler.

  14. In Comfort's post about his friend dying, Terry Burton jumped on "adambu" for taking cheap shots at Ray, then he does that post at whateverman's blog. Terry Burton was born an asshole and just grew bigger.

    I suppose whoever took that photo of Burton might hold a copyright, but I figure most images on the web are copyrighted. I just wanna drive the psycho even more apeshit than he already is.

  15. Coffe shot out of my nose when I saw you guys over at the shithole.

    You people need to stop before I ruin my computer!

  16. Terry accused me of drowning kittens for thrills because i may have been a little insensitive towards Ray losing a friend.

    the gap between what i did, and what terry is accusing me of is about as wide as the grand canyon...

    I think thats the most disproportionate claim against me from Terry yet, does anyone have a more outrageous claim from him?

  17. @whateverman

    Would it? Really?

    Well, he would enjoy his victory anyway...

  18. Tilia said: Well, he would enjoy his victory anyway...

    And DVD sales would plummet - yes!

    Of course, this was part of the rationale for the boycott in the first place :p

    All I have to do is find a way to maintain a certain level of discourse and get myself respectfully banned in the process.

    How about an eye patch on Terry's mugshot?

  19. Whateverman said..

    How about an eye patch on Terry's mugshot?

    or a chador. Would be a real improvement.

  20. I gotta say, this may be the happiest day of my life.

  21. adambu said:

    I think thats the most disproportionate claim against me from Terry yet, does anyone have a more outrageous claim from him?

    Well, he's said several times that I am a gay atheist, and at least once that I was PZ Myers' gay lover.

  22. jason said
    Well, he's said several times that I am a gay atheist,

    I wouldn't mind if someone like Terry thought I was gay. But then, I'm female and not in danger to become part of his fantasies

  23. It's not that I care if people think I'm gay, it's just that he's lying about me for no reason.

    Besides, it's not gay if you pretend to be asleep.


  24. And it's not sex if you take it from behind. So they told me.

    I'm with you. REALLY with you. Really REALLY with you. ;-)

  25. Hey Shags, my bedtime is around 9pm...

  26. He's foaming at the mouth now, over in the same blog entry...

    Have any of you also received threats of "legal ramifications" for having associated yourself with his nauseating avatar?

  27. craig - nice one. Which curly was that?

  28. While I'm all for making Terry's head explode, I'd rather apply such profanity to my blog. People might assume the image was of me...

  29. Correction: ...I'd rather not apply such profanity...

  30. I have noticed one problem with all this.

    It's hard to make a serious comment and expect to be taken seriously when your comment is decorated with that puss.


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