Monday, September 22, 2008

Jesus is a Friend of Mine!

Rock out, Raytractors!

Jesus taught you to turn the other cheek when people laugh at you, eh? What luck!


  1. HELL YES !!! ::::dancing::::

    Kaitlyn, do I want to know what you were looking for when you found this? :p

  2. Kaitlyn,

    Your not all bad after all. Maybe just a little bit confused??? ;)

    Whatever! Thank you for the post. I enjoyed the video. I will post it in your Honor on my blog.

    God Bless!?


  3. That's damn catchy. I'm gonna be singing that all day.

  4. Omg I hate you for making me watch that :)

    Ya know, in all seriousness, modern Christianity has become more pop-culture savvy, in contrast to the situation 20-30 years ago.

    They're still pretty nerdy tho...

  5. On second thought, I meant white christianity

  6. "Reefer Is A Friend of Mine"


  7. Atheists, IRT: Censorship

    I got some Good News for you! Even if Ray shuts down his blog, Tony Miano's blog ( Living Waters Ambassador's Academy ) will still be open for posting!

    Polite atheists are 'welcome' and encouraged to comment on the subjects presented there! :)

    the web address:

  8. Atheists, IRT: Censorship

    I got some Good News for you! Even if Ray shuts down his blog, Tony Miano's blog ( Living Waters Ambassador's Academy ) will still be open for posting!

    Polite atheists are 'welcome' and encouraged to comment on the subjects presented there! :)

    the web address:

    I follow this blog. He has made it clear that he won't post posts by atheists on at least two occasions. I will try and dig up those posts...

  9. Kaitlyn,

    Sorry, but I like this version better.


  10. @ Jill,

    Yes, Tony is more strict and he will 'delete' comments that do not have a profile, however I have seen comments from atheists that politely disagreed with him and stated their position.

    Its worth a try, better than no theist blog to post on.

    Have a Nice Day!!! :)

    Terry Burton

  11. Somebody posted a link here a month or so ago to Tony's blog....I went over there and read this insanely STUPID post about how he was carrying a gun to protect Ray when Ray goes out babbling on the street and how Ray had named the gun for him.

    So, he not only lets people know he's the one with the gun, but also told everyone in the post the code name they use for it.

    What. A. Dumb. Ass.

  12. Terry, since you're here, let me ask you. Are you going to go on a shooting rampage anytime soon?

    Some people here have wondered and just thought if we were gonna see you on CNN anyway, you might want to let us know what time to tune in.

  13. @Terry
    In fact the "Lawman" went mental when one (ONE!) atheist tried to post a comment.

  14. nonmagic said...

    Somebody posted a link here a month or so ago to Tony's blog....I went over there and read this insanely STUPID post about how he was carrying a gun to protect Ray when Ray goes out babbling on the street and how Ray had named the gun for him.

    So, he not only lets people know he's the one with the gun, but also told everyone in the post the code name they use for it.

    What. A. Dumb. Ass.

    That was me. He named the gun a PHD. "Packing Heat Dude!"

  15. LOL Jill. Not only can he not keep the name of the damn thing a secret, Ray also named it something incredibly ridiculous. Why am I not surprised?

  16. @ Nonmajic,

    thanks for the INTEL on Ray and his body guard. I was not aware of that post with that 'confidential' information. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! ;)

    As far as the "shooting rampage" you have the wrong veteran!

    I don't work at the Post Office!

    I assume you are referring to the 'hack' job with my obnoxious comments. Those were elaborately done. Technology is amazing.

    I must admit someone with "sophisticated technology" put those words in my mouth.

    Its just amazing what can be done on IP addresses, stolen profiles, and stolen IDs! It just shows how demoralized our society is - these days!!

    Well, I will close for now, I will bring that matter to the body guard's attention and ask him to refrain from divulging that sensitive information in the future.

    Just as you have done on this 'open' blog. God Bless NM!!!

    God Bless Your Soul!

    In His Love,
    Terry Burton

  17. @ Jill D

    I followed your link to The Law Man's blog, and holy shit that has to be one of the most ignorant and irritating responses (and so long) I've ever read on a fundie blog. I couldn't even force myself to finish it.

    I replied to the ridiculous post he has up right now, commenting on his (completely ignorant) opinion of the separation of church and state. Guess I won't hold my breath...

  18. @ Jill d,

    You are absolutely correct with this particular comment towards the 'Chimp', however he really got Tony upset.

    I will try to find any atheist comments that made it to publishing. ok?

    Ciao for now.


  19. Is it just me, or is Terry being fairly reasonable and civil in this thread.

    Terry, in all honesty, if this is the tone that you take from now on, you'd probably actually get more of us to dialogue with you. I usually just skim over your posts, but if this becomes a bit more standard behavior for you, then I might actually start to read them.

  20. Terry,

    I hate to break this to you, but everyone knows that it was you that made the obnoxious comments under different names here and on Ray's blog.

    No one hacked you, no one used your IP address. It was you, Terry.

    We also understand that you are mentally ill and sometimes things in your head just get a wee bit out of control. Maybe you forgot your medicine. Maybe it just needed to be adjusted. No one thinks worse of you for having a problem, Terry. But the least you could do is just own up to it and not lie to us about it.

    There's no shame in having mental problems, Terry. The shame is in going back and lying like you just did in an effort to cover it up.

    I hope you're better now and I'm glad you aren't going to go shooting.

    Take care.

  21. Terry,

    Are you into computer security too? I would love to know the details of the attack this no-good hooligan was able to pull off to gain access to your account. Do you really think he hijacked your IP address?

  22. @Terry

    Its just amazing what can be done on IP addresses, stolen profiles, and stolen IDs! It just shows how demoralized our society is - these days!!

    Psst... that's not how the intertubes works!

  23. @ Jill d,

    You are absolutely correct with this particular comment towards the 'Chimp', however he really got Tony upset.

    I will try to find any atheist comments that made it to publishing. ok?

    Hi Terry, Thanks!
    But I think if it's so hard to find atheist comments on his blog, it might be because there aren't any. Let me know if you find any though.

  24. Tony Miano-

    Christ loving moron at large-

    Same evangelical fundamentalism crap as Ray Comfort - only this guy carries a gun.

    I posted on his blog back in March when he was shilling for "Expelled"

    herewith was the comment exchange-
    Benjamin Franklin said...
    This films' main thesis, that anyone in the science community who believes in God, or is a Darwin dissenter is being "expelled" is false at its core.

    In a New York Times interview, Walter Ruloff (producer of Expelled) said that researchers, who had studied cellular mechanisms, made findings suggestive of an intelligent designer. "But they are afraid to report them".
    Mr. Ruloff also cited Dr. Francis S. Collins, a geneticist who directs the National Human Genome Research Institute and whose book, “The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief”, explains how he came to embrace his Christian faith. Mr. Ruloff said that Dr. Collins separates his religious beliefs from his scientific work only because “he is toeing the party line”.

    That’s “just ludicrous,” Dr. Collins said in a telephone interview. While many of his scientific colleagues are not religious and some are “a bit puzzled” by his faith, he said, “they are generally very respectful.” He said that if the problem Mr. Ruloff describes existed, he is certain he would know about it.

    Similarly, Dr. Ken Miller is a professed Christian who wrote "Finding Darwin's God" (which I suggest you read). Dr. Miller has not been "expelled" in any fashion for his belief in God.

    The movie tries to make the case that "Big Science" is nothing but a huge atheist conspiracy out to silence believers, but only presents a very one-sided look at some of the Discovery Institute's "martyrs".

    Carolyn Crocker "expelled"? - No.
    Her annual teaching contract was not renewed. Was she "fired" for daring to bring God into research? - No. She was hired to teach Cell Biology, and she decided to ignore the schools' curriculum and substitute her own curriculum.

    Guillermo Gonzalez "expelled"? - No.
    He was not granted tenure. The film doesn't bring up the fact that in all his years at ISU he had only brought in only a miniscule amount of grant money. Nor does it bring up the fact that in all his years at ISU he failed to mentor a single student through to their PhD. Nor does it mention that in his career at ISU, his previous excellent record of publication had dropped precipitously.

    Richard von Sternberg "expelled"? - No.
    Sternberg continues to work for NIH in the same capacity. Of course the movie doesn't bring up his underhanded tactics in getting Meyers work published.

    This movie attempts to influence it's viewers with dishonesty, half-truths, and by a completely one-sided presentation of the facts.

    If a scientists' research is not accepted by the scientific community, it isn't because the scientist either believes or doesn't believe in God or Darwin, it is usually because they are producing bad science.

    Benjamin Franklin

    March 30, 2008 1:34 PM

    Tony Miano said...
    BF's comment can be read verbatim on several other blogs, including: Studen Ministry 101, Planet Augsburg, Children's Ministry and Culture, Kingdom Living, and the list goes on.....and on.

    BF: While I appreciate that you took time to add this humble blog in your effort to refute the claims of the movie, I would like to give you just a friendly word of advice. In the future, when trying to build a position for or against something, you might want to consider more reputable sources of information than the NY Times.

    You wrote: "This movie attempts to influence it's viewers with dishonesty, half-truths, and by a completely one-sided presentation of the facts."

    Replace the words "this movie" with "the majority of the scientific community," and change the word "viewers" to "students," and you've just defined 150 years of Darminian evolutionary theory and the resulting atheistic propoganda within secondary and collegiate education systems.

    Until ID is allowed into the conversation about the origins of life, the scientific community will continue to operate with a biased, "one-sided presentation of the facts."

    Thanks, again, for dropping by, BF. :-)

    March 30, 2008 4:24 PM


    Tony Miano said...
    I received the following response from Ben Franklin:

    I notice that you don't present the first bit of proof to refute any of the things I've mentioned. Saying that the NY times is "not reputable" does not invalidate Collins' remarks that he is in a position to know if what the producers of Expelled claim is true, and he calls their claims ludicrous.

    Merely inviting readers to turn my statements around also does nothing to change the fact that there are reasons why Crocker, Gonzalez, Sternberg, et al were not "expelled" at all, none of which were presented in this movie.

    You say - Until ID is allowed into the conversation about the origins of life, the scientific community will continue to operate with a biased, "one-sided presentation of the facts."

    I don't understand why you say this, as what Darwin extrapolated, and the theory of evolution posits, is not based at all on the origin of life. This is an error I find espoused by an overwhelming number of people railing against the theory of evolution.

    You also incorrectly equate evolutionary theory with atheism. Demonstrably, many, and probably most of the proponents of the theory of evolution are theists. Similarly, many sects of Christianity, including Catholics, don't have a problem with evolution.

    But you correlation follows the strategy of Philip Johnson who stated

    -The objective [of the Wedge Strategy] is to convince people that Darwinism is inherently atheistic, thus shifting the debate from creationism vs. evolution to the existence of God vs. the non-existence of God.

    Good for propaganda purposes, but in reality, a lie.

    In the last several years what research has been brought forth by the proponents of ID? Behe has yet to refute valid criticisms that every irreducibly complex structure he has mentioned, is, in fact, be reducible. Dembski has not corrected the acknowledged logical flaws in his design filter. The Biologic Institute, set up by the Discovrey Institute over 2 years ago, has yet to publish the first word on any research.

    So, the ID movement claims that it has been "silenced", but their real problem is that regarding any research, they have been silent.

    Benjamin Franklin

    March 30, 2008 6:26 PM

    Tony Miano said...

    Are you an atheist? Agnostic? Theist?

    You mention many "sects" of Christianity don't have a problem with evolution. Like so many others, you confuse "professing" Christians with Christians. Yes, it is true, that many who "profess" to be Christians support the theory of evolution. The fact that someone professes to be a Christian does not make them a Christian.

    March 30, 2008 6:32 PM

    Benjamin Franklin said...

    That sounds like the "One True Scotsman" fallacy to me.

    Benjamin Franklin

    March 30, 2008 7:21 PM

    Tony Miano said...
    Call it what you will; but the reality is that there are both true converts and false converts who call themselves Christians.

    March 30, 2008 7:51 PM

    Notice how Tony never refutes any statement. First he attacks credibility because I posted this essay elsewhere. Additionally, instead of addressing Dr Collins statements, he merely calls the NY TImes "unreliable".

    He inverts arguments without addressing them.

    He makes the mistake of equating evolution with origin of life,

    He equates evolution with atheism.

    He doesn't post the post as it was sent in, he modifies and censors it.

    He still doesn't address any points, just brings up the "No true Scotsman fallacy".

    He then sidesteps the questions raised by asking my religious affiliation.

    Strangely enough, Terry Burton commented on this post before I posted my initial comment. I thought Terry was a bible thumping dope then, and he never fails to dissapoint.

    Tony Miano is just another idiot goobered up on Jesus. Truly a waste of an individual.

    Tony, I would like to give you a friendly word of advice - In the future, when trying to build a position for or against something, you might want to consider a more reputable source of information than a 2,000 year old book of childish stories written by a bunch of Bronze Age sheepherders.

  25. Terry,

    I feel compelled to tell you some things. I hope you will read this thoughtfully.

    Every human being has, in a sense, an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. We all have something in us that wants to do "good" and something else that wants to do "evil." All of us live in a balance between those two, trying most of the time to do "good." However, what you are experiencing is far beyond what could be classified as natural.

    You may have a condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. You can read more about it here:


    Individuals with DID demonstrate a variety of symptoms with wide fluctuations across time; functioning can vary from severe impairment in daily functioning to normal or high abilities. Symptoms can include:[2]

    * multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are dissimilar to each other
    * headaches and other body pains
    * distortion or loss of subjective time
    * depersonalization
    * amnesia
    * depression

    Patients may experience an extremely broad array of other symptoms that resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety, Mood disorders, posttraumatic stress, personality, and eating disorders.[2]


    The causes of dissociative identity disorder have not been identified, but are theoretically linked with the interaction of overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents,[1] insufficient childhood nurturing, and an innate ability to dissociate memories or experiences from consciousness. Prolonged childhood abuse is frequently a factor, with a very high percentage of patients reporting documented abuse often confirmed by objective evidence.


    Please seriously consider these things. Do any of these symptoms or potential causes ring a bell.

    This doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you are a Christian. You may be thinking to yourself, "I just fell, or I just sinned, when I did this or that... I will do better this time... I will rid myself of all that and I will be a real Christian now!"

    That is a fine sentiment, however this disorder cannot be overcome with willpower statements such as these. You do not need to feel a sense of failure, or "non-Christian-ness" about seeking some professional help. You can even seek professional help from a Christian psychotherapist... there are plenty of them out there.

    Please believe that I'm not making jokes at your expense here. And I'm not trying to insult you.

    Secondarily, it is very easy to prove that you (not a hacker, or someone named "Steve Smith," nor your "twin brother Jerry") are the one who posted the comments under "USA."

    A "hacker" would, first of all, have no reason to hijack one of your aliases and then use that to come here... of all places. Secondly, a hacker's purpose in imitating you would be to fool people into thinking he was you... not to "admit" he was a hacker. Thirdly, you, posing as a hacker, admitted to being "man with a badge" which is one of your aliases that you've already admitted to. How would a "hacker" even have any idea who "man with a badge" was?

    I am no going through all this in an attempt to make you feel trapped or angry... but only to get you to see that all of these aliases you're going by are part of your own attempt to express these incredibly disparate sides of your own mind.

    It probably felt very good to say lots of the things you said as USA... that part of you, that "devil" on your shoulder, probably really relished that--but only for a moment. Then the other side came in with panic trying to figure out a way to clean up this mess... and the idea of a "hacker" taking over your account just popped out.

    Please genuinely look over the list of symptoms above again with an open mind. Re-read the list of possible causes. Try to be as honest with yourself as possible within your own mind... could this be you?

    I think there's a very good chance that you could live a much more peaceful life if you had some help in this area.

  26. Terry, in all honesty, if this is the tone that you take from now on, you'd probably actually get more of us to dialogue with you.


    I'm not counting on it happening, however.


Unlike Ray we don't censor our comments, so as long as it's on topic and not spam, fire away.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.