Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jean, Please Watch

Was this part of god's war plan?


  1. Ugh. Jean, your imaginary friend is a monster and it has made a monster of you.

    The other thing that strikes me is how ready these men are to use other men's children for their own purposes. And then I think of Sarah Palin using her own children and her prospective son-in-law as get-out-the-vote dogwhistles. Isn't it interesting how their imaginary friends -- the source of all morality, please remember -- aren't telling any of these people, "Stop that! You're making Me sick!"

  2. Jean,

    Care to reconsider your statement?

    So let me ask you, Jean: if you were to meet these girls and spread the gospel with your holy arrogance and self-righteousness, and they looked at you with three inches of makeup caked to their face and, through tears, asked "Okay, that's great, but what am I supposed to do instead," what would you tell them?

    Would you help them find viable employment in a world that doesn't want to give them employment?

    Will you tell them to submit to husbands instead? Because that's effectively what they're doing right now.

    Or would you just tell these people who already seem to be loathing themselves for their actions (I go by the video) that they're wicked, evil sinners who will go to hell unless they leave the one thing that provides for them and that it's all their fault?

    I'm putting words in your mouth, I know. And you'd probably be right to say that "they have a choice." The problem is, though they have precious free will, they have few options to choose from. It is atrocious and horrible and demeaning and exploitative, but I really fail to understand what "the Gospel" and "serving the living God" is supposed to do for them in this situation.

  3. Jean, you are a reprehensible person.

  4. Jean

    First, thanks for responding. As offensive as I find your views, I do appreciate your willingness to come here and present them(although I find it extremely odd you would claim there is no prostitution in Africa).

    I really can't add much to want the other rational minds have already said. But I do have a question.

    Your are an adult and you know as well as I do, life is a struggle. I'm sure you've had adversities in your life that you have overcome. Kudos to you. These women are now struggling. They were either forced into prostitution or are doing it because it's the only thing the can do to make sure their families will survive. They aren't doing for pleasure or greed. It's simply survival, nothing more.

    Things such as this are an inevitable consequence of war. I know it, you know it, surely an omniscient god knows it. Did god not take this into consideration when he planned the Iraq invasion?

    So my question is...are you willing to consider the possibility that this war is not a mission sent from god, but rather a mission directed by fallible, mortal men which planned this war to serve their own purposes and simply promoted the 'mission from god' thinking to garner support from Christians and make the war appear to be just? Will you consider this as a possible reality?

  5. WMA..."your imaginary friend is a monster and it has made a monster of you."

    This is a great quote. Excellent!

  6. TheShaggy
    "but I really fail to understand what "the Gospel" and "serving the living God" is supposed to do for them in this situation"

    If they repent and become saved, God will help them. He will fix the rest. The bible says, 'seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you'
    Their eternal salvation is more important than their earthly needs. Its the same for every human in the world.

  7. Jean, I'm sincere when I ask you to respond to Nafa's post, which ended with the following paragraph:

    are you willing to consider the possibility that this war is not a mission sent from god, but rather a mission directed by fallible, mortal men which planned this war to serve their own purposes and simply promoted the 'mission from god' thinking to garner support from Christians and make the war appear to be just? Will you consider this as a possible reality?

    I've seen you arrogantly proclaim your faith in Biblical understanding, as well as the humbless of uncertainty. To me, this suggests that you're willing to listen & read and use your own brain to consider the conundrums that reality imposes upon us.

    I ask you to do this once again and respond to Nafa's implied question.



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