Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's All Our Fault

Looks we're all to blame for Terry Burton's unending stream of bullshit, unfounded accusations, and outright lies.

Mike and Lizette's Travels and Thoughts said...

keywesthaven1@msn.com (Terry)

Don't let these atheist trip you up by playing into their game, but most of all don't let them to get you to sin by calling them names or say something you may regret, they are not worth it.
September 16, 2008 7:31 PM

I feel so bad.


  1. You guys are creeping me out with all those Terry Faces. Even Terry has the decency not to put his face on his profile pic.

  2. Truthfully, when I see that photo of Burton, I think, he looks like a friendly guy, maybe a little goofy, then I'll read some of his comments and think what an asshole. I try to feel sorry for him, but he makes it damn near impossible.

  3. The scary thing about Terry is that his comments are getting more incoherent as the days go by.

  4. Terry's third comment down here(https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5823596693953871104&postID=8828601706665352172) is just about the creepiest I've seen from it.

    It's so incoherent that it's a bit frightening.

  5. Also, I fail at copy and pasting and making any sense whatsoever.

    Thats what 16 hour days on 5 hours of sleep does to you. =)

  6. I just attempted to post an excerpt from a bug-shit crazy email that I got from Terry back in April. Let's see if Ray publishes it. I feel sorry for Terry only insofar as he really needs counseling, intervention, supervision, and probably medication. Other than that, he's a mean-minded, vacuous turd-smear of a bully.

    Hey, Maragon, you're not looking as hot in your profile pic as you usually do.

  7. I just attempted to post an excerpt from a bug-shit crazy email that I got from Terry back in April. Let's see if Ray publishes it.

    Could you post it here in these comments?

  8. Charles wrote:
    "Hey, Maragon, you're not looking as hot in your profile pic as you usually do."

    I agree: all the Terry's are getting creepy. I want to see the attractive and not-slightly-confused people again!

  9. Charles, I'm sure you would feel a lot better if you added the sender's adress as well *nudge nudge, wink wink*

    But that is one perfect example of Internet-toughguy-ness. I think it needs to be rewarded, with say... 10.000 free shipping boxes and some free korans to go with them?

    Oh, if only I were more evil...

  10. You guys do seem to have wound up Terry quite a bit. I absolutely loved the post with him saying he was the DHS top agent :)

  11. I'm feeling a little malicious this morning, so allow me to let you ponder this mental image for a moment-

    Terry Burton on a date.

    ps- Maragon- unless we get some cuteness or cleavage back up on your profile, there will be more!

  12. It's so incoherent that it's a bit frightening.

    I wonder, quite seriously, if he takes anti-psychotics. Or if perhaps he should start doing so...

  13. Mr. Franklin -

    Do you expect me to cave to your terrorist demands?!


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