Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm going to be banned for life from Ray's and I couldn't be more happy about it

Since Ray has decided this morning that he wants to be the Lust Police, I broke the strike for the first time since it started and slipped a little something in my avatar with my nice message to Ray.

Who wants to take bets on how many fundy heads explode when someone finally realizes that isn't a banana??


  1. nonmagic,

    That is just beautiful. If I had a hat, I'd take it off to you.

    It could take a while for the head-exploding though because I saw your post earlier on and didn't notice anything unusual regarding the photo until I read this comment!

    I wonder how long it will stay up for?

    In fact; place your bets now on who is going to be the snitch and report it.

    My money's on ethan.

  2. My money is on Mary twin stories or something like that...

    Or Mike and Lizettes travel thoughts.

  3. NM,
    You are soooooo bad! LOL! I love it!

    What post is this on?

  4. Thank you, Matt.

    I was going to go with StoryTwat Ahole as being the snitch.

  5. I funny.....! You go girl!

  6. Dale, it's on his latest 'Who is the enemy?' post, in which he thought Maragon's COVERED breasts were the enemy.

  7. oh yeah, thats her, Marytwat.

    Damn, I'm losing it.

  8. I have to breakdown and get PhotoShop. They'll go apeshit. How dare she do this to our fearless leader. And Terry will just be jealous that it isn't him.

  9. Rufus if you want photoshop, email me.

  10. nonmagic,

    You are my new hero. That's the best that anyone has slipped past the censors so far.

  11. Hahaha! That's brilliant. Granted, it's also tramatised me and utterly killed my libido...but still, brilliant!

  12. I tried to slip it in a couple more times, just for effect.

  13. Therine, you;re right I should put up a warning with that pic. *Not responsible for nightmares, the death of your libido or any PTSD that might result from viewing this photo*

  14. I'm really glad I've made someone's day!

    That's what he gets for trying to censor Maragon.

  15. Maragon said...
    Non-magic is my hero.

    Indeed. She has sacrificed herself for the sake of sanity.

    Tikety boo and caribou...break out the scotch...and water for my horses!

  16. Dale,

    Have you been getting my emails?

  17. NM, that was immature, vindictive, classless and rude. I LOVE IT!!

  18. Charles, I do my best!

    LOL, love the profile pic!

  19. I've said it before, but Jesus, I love you guys.

    You blow me away. You make my day. You are clever, witty, thick-skinned. You have the ability to laugh at yourselves. Self depreciating. Hilarios, Irreverant. Iconoclast

    Raytractors - top people. thank-you.

  20. NM,

    I just got off the road last evening. I'm still trying to work in spite of all the hilarity going on here today, so I haven't checked my personal e-mail. Like so many of us, I've been fielding 50 - 80 company emails/ day lately, ut I'll get over there in a bit. Thanks for the reminder!

  21. Wait till you see what Bound Fo Glory has posted re maragon's avatar.

    How do I know what Bound for Glory has posted?.....

    I must be psychic

  22. Awww, Stew, you're gonna make me all misty. :)

    Dale, ok just wondering!

  23. Nice job NM!

    The only difference between an Islamic extremest and the christian fundamentalists is that the fundies live in countries where they have less power because of separation of church and state, basic human rights laws, etc.

    Is Ray so perverted that he can't control himself from lusting simply because FSM-forbid a woman is not wearing a turtleneck sweater?? Cover up Maragon in the presence of a man, you wouldn't want to make him sin. Ray's attitude lately shows he has some serious fantasies about starting wars with those who don't share his belief (they aren't really the same creatures as him remember, they are not god's children) and keeping women quiet and covered up.

  24. Stew,

    Wha? I haven't seen any new comments released over there?

    C'mon, don't be teasing. You know something we don't!

  25. Is Ray so perverted that he can't control himself from lusting simply because FSM-forbid a woman is not wearing a turtleneck sweater??

    Sweaters are sexy. I'd probably have more lust in my heart if all of the ladies here started posting photos of themselves in sweaters.

    Why do you women make me think such bad thoughts? Why does my wife make me be mean to her? Why does she make it so I have to lock her in the basement all day long while I'm out at the bar with my drinking buddies? Why? Why? Whyyyyyy????

  26. Lance,

    I was bored between chapters of the Sagan book I'm reading, so I just whipped up a quick photoshop of Ray, Kirk and Terry in a 3 way. Trust me, it will kill any and all libido you ever had.

    In fact, it completely extinguished mine and I'm thinking of pouring a combo of bleach and rubbing alcohol into my eyes now so I can un-see it.

  27. Sweaters are sexy. I'd probably have more lust in my heart if all of the ladies here started posting photos of themselves in sweaters.

    I'm gonna hafta support this idea...

  28. I think I love you (don't tell the wife, please!)

    That's brilliant!

  29. "Why do you women make me think such bad thoughts? Why does my wife make me be mean to her? Why does she make it so I have to lock her in the basement all day long while I'm out at the bar with my drinking buddies? Why? Why? Whyyyyyy????"

    I could just imagine someone like Ray beating some innocent person while saying "look what you've made me do".

  30. Nonmagic,

    I do hope you change back to your picture soon cuz I miss that devilish look in your eyes- and you have proven that you have a devilish personality to go with them!


    Your picture reminds me of Chevy Chase, and when I see him in a movie, just the look on his face cracks me up!

  31. Dale,

    Aww, thanks! Unfortunately, I have to leave Ray and his Popsicle up there until the Rayheads get a good longgggggggg look at it.

  32. NM,

    You should try to sneak that threesome avatar by Ray......

    You scammed Ray soooo bad. hehehe

  33. nonmagic:

    I don't think I'll actually need to see that photo. It's at times like this that having a strong, vivid imagination can be a real drag. Now that's a Trinity!

  34. NM,

    Yes, indeed, I forgot about that angel. I can wait! It's for a good cause!

  35. Dale,

    I don't know if I could get that one by !! But then again, the first one hasn't been deleted yet...


    You made me do this. You will look!

  36. NM,
    I fear that I shall perish from the suspense unless Ray releases the next wave of comments soon.

    I'm betting those fuctards are absolutely shitting themselves.

  37. Dale,

    It's taking so goddamned long today, isn't it?? I could have been half way through War and Peace by now.

  38. It's Saturday. Ray's probably been evangelizing at the beach, trying to hide his boner.

  39. So, who's thinking of Ray's boner now? Nonmagic? Maragon? Anyone?

  40. "It's Saturday. Ray's probably been evangelizing at the beach, trying to hide his boner."

    "Are those tracts in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"? Lame I know *hangs head in shame*

  41. Don't blame me for your lustful thoughts. Blame Ray.

  42. I did ask him in one of the comments I left if he could cover his hair and mustache for me because it was making me lust.

  43. NM,

    Did he post it???

  44. Since Ray spends so much time preaching at the beach, he should wear a speedo. That would certainly attract a crowd.

  45. Rufus,

    AAAHHH my eyes!!!!!!! I just pictured him riding a bike in his speedo.
    But where would he put his tracts???

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. He'd use the tracts to accentuate his bulge. Right, nonmagic? Wouldn't you like one of those tracts?

  49. I just got done reading the Terry/USA/Man Badge meltdown thread.

    I remember sometime ago someone predicted this comicbook style. As in Ray would finally turn his back on Terry, Terry would have a pyscotic break, then turn into a Super Villian and vow his vengance on Ray.

    Well it seems the first 3 parts have come true. So, what's next in the lives of the Terrys? Now, as much as an ass douche Ray is, I sincerly hope the Terrys' revenge will be limited to the internets....

    But what I really want to know is -who made this predication of Stan Lee proportions? And - are you god?

  50. But what I really want to know is -who made this predication of Stan Lee proportions? And - are you god?

    I don't remember writing that, but darnit if it doesn't sound like something I'd write! Stan "The Man" Lee is a huge influence!

    And if it is me, no, I'm not God. Stan Lee, however, very well may be God. Here's a tract to prove it.

  51. Well, I'm trying to get banned from AC now. I just posted, asking Ray how, when he's beach preaching, he keeps from lusting after all the babes in their skimpy bikinis. My avatar? The Jesus light switch plate I posted here earlier this week.

  52. Nafa,

    You have a helluva good memory.

    And yes you did predict it, but I knew your prophecy would be fulfilled because TB did the same thing to me on my old blog.

    He's too predictable. Sad, that.

  53. I'd bet that there are some high level editorial meetings going on in the Comfort house this evening.

    And the point of contention is: Why has Ray Comfort allowed himself to be displayed with a cock in his face for the last twelve hours; on his own website?

  54. Maybe it's taking so long because Ray, or whoever is doing the moderating, is looking at each profile pic.

  55. Rufus,
    I don't know where you are going with this, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ray would put them in the "Back" of his speedo, thus attracting the girls that go for a guy with a turd in his pants. Just sayin...

  56. I want in on the fun too. think ray would let me use Frank N Furter's picture? or is the sight of Tim Curry in drag too much too?

  57. There's More to Life! Get a LIFE!

    I never seen so many 'cry baby' entries in all my life. Each one of you should do a few years in the military service.

    It would break your 'sobbing' problem and make women and men, or whatever ... out of you!

    Not a bunch of wimpy, cry baby atheists. You are going to Scream in agony, when you go straight to Hell when you die.

    Food for thought ....babies!

  58. Maragon,

    I saw your new 'black' implants.
    Very stunning, to say the least! :)

    Have a BLESSED Day!!!
    oops! you are already 'blessed'.
    My bag! Please forgive. :)

    BTW, what kind of work do you do?
    I think I saw you at the Federal building in Chicago. Was that you?

  59. @ Ranting,

    what happened to your hero worship of that English actor?

    I see, you want Ray now. I was told that you are a 'flamer'. It would explain the fascination with wearing a Nazi SS uniform.

    Get help while you can shipmate!
    Ciao baby! CIAO!!!

  60. Jesus Freaking Christ he still hasn't put comments through.

    I went and took a nap and still nothing.

  61. The Man said...


    I saw your new 'black' implants.
    Very stunning, to say the least! :)

    Have a BLESSED Day!!!
    oops! you are already 'blessed'.
    My bag! Please forgive. :)

    BTW, what kind of work do you do?
    I think I saw you at the Federal building in Chicago. Was that you?"

    I'm a masters student in Canada, majoring in biology.
    In the summer I work in human resource management for a local company.

  62. Ha! No one noticed, and my post with the Jesus light switch plate went through. And out friend from England Jean criticized Terry. She's dead.

  63. might have caught on.

  64. Rufus, I can't believe your comment made it through either. Maybe Ray is letting us have a free for all.

  65. I'm very surprised that they haven't noticed them. I'm also surprised that TB didn't rat us out. But he probably likes the pic of Ray.

  66. Rufus,

    Terry has probably been fapping it all day to that pic.

  67. But he probably likes the pic of Ray.

    I'm sure that once he's figured out how to save and print the pic, he'll rat us out...

    Hope he's got some of that photo-quality glossy printer paper...

  68. nonmagic:

    I sent ya an email. I'm not sure how to get the activation number. Reply when you have time. Thanks.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. D'oh. It hasn't. Excuse me - I'm going completely Terry.

  71. Stew,
    OK, I got it.
    So, you moved to Cleveland!?

  72. Ray put a "new" post up and they still haven't noticed. Their lack of observational skills is taking away some of the fun.

  73. I disagree entirely - it makes it much more entertaining :)

    I think we should all stop writing about it, and see how long it lasts...

  74. I bet, Terry already told him. Several times if necessary. I mean, he spends his days lingering around this blog and he is definitely obsessed with phallus symbols...

  75. Tilia,

    I can see that email now....

    Dear Ray,

    There's a cock in your face! Sadly, it's not mine! Are you a good person?? Watch HBKS on all my blogs !!

  76. I see your point, nonmagic. More deleting would be nice.

    "Sadly, it's not mine". Funny, but I think of Terry as more of a bottom.

  77. Yeah, someone I've never seen there before.

  78. Some asswipe finally noticed it and Ray STILL put a new comment through with it on there on his new post.

  79. Rufus,

    It's probably a fake acct by some dumbass fundy that just didn't want to use his real acct.

  80. Yeah, they're still there, and the last new comment is from me, with the light switch plate. Lots of deleting. As Nelson Muntz would say HA HA!

  81. nonmagic:

    I just your post on the new thread. You're just teasing now.

  82. Tilia,

    I can always make it more obvious....

  83. NM
    already out of patience ;)?

    Well, your old picture does look better. But it can't take long anymore

  84. My comment in defense of Maragon did not go through. I don't know why unless it was the "women have breasts" line. But that's not exactly controverial or profane. It's not like I said "boobies" or something. And yet Ray lets a penis through. There's no rhyme nor reason.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.


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