Sunday, September 14, 2008

HEY! Terry's Accusing Us of Threatening Ray Comfort!

From Terry's rant (see prev. post):

In the past they have threatened, cursed, and belittled our blog master on 'Atheist Central'.

But I don't remember doing that. I think I'd remember if I had threatened Ray Comfort.

Terry: I'm posting this here in case Ray won't let this through at his site.

If I ever threatened Ray Comfort in any way, then I challenge you to provide the exact threat I supposedly made and the thread it was posted to, complete with timestamp, and provide it all to Blogger with your request that my account be deleted.

I'm calling you a liar. Prove me wrong--Produce any threat I ever made to Ray Comfort and report me.


  1. This is my reply: I doubt it'll get through though.

    Terry, what drugs are you on? Can I buy some from you? Do you do bulk discounts?

    Give me your email address. Click on my name to go to the site that I frequent, register there and make a post with the title "From Ray's Blog" I'll see it, then I'll PM you and we can exchange addresses and discuss prices and whatnot.


  2. In an email I once told TB I'd like to stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry. Does that seem threatening?

    As for Ray, well, I'd like for him to call me a racist because of evolution/Charles Darwin to my face. My sister was married to a black man, which means my niece is half black, which means that my little nephew, who I adore and love more than anything, is 1/4 black. If Ray had the balls to do that, well, I imagine I'd be in jail, and Ray would be in a ICU in some hospital.

  3. Terry's really fighting to get the Fundie of the Year award, really. That's probably the whole reason he's doing this.

  4. "stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry"

    LMFAO !!! Rufus, you have some of the BEST lines.

    I'm keeping that one to use in the future. ;)

  5. "In the past they have threatened, cursed, and belittled our blog master on 'Atheist Central'."

    "blog master"? So is that why Ray's series is called "way of the master"??

  6. I hope people don't threaten Ray. He's just a guy that makes a lot of money making people stupider... He likes to push peoples buttons. And he seems very happy to make people annoyed. (or "convicted").

    If people get annoyed he sees it as his message getting through.

    If people threaten him it just plays to his persecution complex.

    If people mock, he just thinks about how Jesus said they would mock...

    He has inoculated himself against threats and laughter. They will not work. A little knowledge might be a dangerous thing for his followers though.

    And I think sub-consciously the "master" in "Way of the Master" is Ray. I mean look at all his stuff. His face is plastered everywhere.

  7. Jill D.,
    You wrote.
    "He's just a guy that makes a lot of money making people stupider... He likes to push peoples buttons. And he seems very happy to make people annoyed. (or "convicted").

    If people get annoyed he sees it as his message getting through."

    Well condensed and so true. Very curious, that.

  8. If Ray wanted to he could find a verse in the bible that he could interpret to mean that his minions should eat horseshit with ketchup on it.

    Next thing you'd see is Ray's minions extolling the virtues of eating said horseshit.

  9. HEY! Terry never gave a specific name Howdy! Ray, printed it because he has been 'threatened' from certain atheists. Understand?

    Suggest you guys chill out on the profanity and vulgar language towards Ray. Just a thought. :)

    Sorry, i don't do drugs.

    As far as bulk goes, ask dale, he lived in Canada before, maybe Weemaryanne can help you in Toronto. ;)

    Suggest you stop doing yours. It just fries the brain. Ok?


    @dale, are you coming to the Transformed Seminar in West VA? Tell Rufus its in his back yard.
    Hope to see you guys there!

    Maybe we can BBQ some of dale's chicken wings after class. lol

    GOD BLESS! Ciao!!!

    In His Love, Terry

  10. @ Shaggy, "Terry's really fighting to get the Fundie of the Year award, really. That's probably the whole reason he's doing this"

    No, just trying to get you guys to open up your 'hearts and minds' to the Lord.

    HBKS video on my blogs!!!

    Time is running out, don't want to see you die in your sins. Serious!

    I'm pushing 100 blogs now, trying to get Ray to do a franchise on "Atheist Central" as a coffee shop chain.

    We can post pics of Darwin with a banana. Dale with chicken, Flew crossing over to Christianity, and Dawkins trying to write a book of evidence. lol

    Any ideas guys? gals? whatever? :)

  11. I'm pushing 100 blogs now, trying to get Ray to do a franchise on "Atheist Central" as a coffee shop chain.

    Maybe you need more blogs?

  12. HEY! Terry never gave a specific name Howdy!

    Jill likes to refer to herself in third person too! Thanks for posting Terry. Did you see the collage I made of you? It's not as good as some of the collages you've made. :-(

  13. "As far as bulk goes, ask dale, he lived in Canada before, maybe Weemaryanne can help you in Toronto. ;)"

    I live in a ghetto neighborhood in Toronto and I can assure you there are no more drugs here than in the U.S. Drugs are illegal here too so I think it would be easier to get drugs in your own country than trying and smuggle some across the border. In other words, what's your point Terry?

  14. See Terry, there you go again. Man, I really think it's awesome. You're competing so hard against Ray to blow him right out of the water (by looking to figuratively blow him, see) and troll onto this site and pitch your stupid HBKS video.

    Man, if you keep this up, that shiny award will be sitting on your houseboat sometime in the near future! Dude, it's impressive.

    And I keep wanting to ask you, dude, what's with all the one-post blogs? Do you think that ups your hit-count? Most people have one or two blogs, and post regularly on there, building a following and the network spreads outward. It happened for your Blog Master, so why do you just keep starting blogs and posting once?

    I don't get it. But that's what fundies do, and man, you take the cake.

  15. @Terry--

    HEY! Terry never gave a specific name Howdy! Ray, printed it because he has been 'threatened' from certain atheists. Understand?


    Oh, I think I understand just fine, Terry. "Certain atheists", eh?

    Forward the specifics to Blogger. If these mysterious atheists threatened Ray with harm or violence, notify either Blogger or the authorities, by all means.

    Let's just see who you can get deleted.

    Prediction: Zero. Just more big talk.


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