Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Golden Crockaduck Award!!

Creationists are just so damn amusing. Cast your vote for the stupidest creationist in the video!!! Mine is for the last guy, who demanded us stupid scientists explain why the earth is round...."ya don't know, do you, scientists??" What a nitwit.


  1. The "perfectly" round planets guy too.

  2. OMNG!! Why are planets round????? WTF???

    I was digging that music at the end, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey cool, my quote (whateverman666) made it into the video...

    I actually spent time trying to describe gravity, electromagnetism and the weak/strong nuclear forces to that dork.

    I ran out of comment space before I got anywhere close to being done.

  5. The round planets guy? In the words or Robert Downey Jr., "You went full retard, man".

  6. rufus,

    That was a great line!! I really liked that movie, particularly Downey's performance.

    I'll tell you, its a tough choice, what with "Dr. Dino", the one and only (thank baby Jesus) Kent Hovind in the vid....he should win every award for nitwittery and fraud.

  7. Clos: I had seen the the Fogler woman clip before. I'd never seen the bald fuck wanting to know why planets are round. He's so fucking ignorant he adds an "s" to deer to pluralize it.

  8. OK, smart atheists, answer me this if you're so smart.

    If we "evolved" from a giant rock that exploded, wouldn't we have settled? Why does the sun come up every morning? Wouldn't it have stopped by now?

    And don't give me, "Oh, it's the wind and thermodynamics, and radiation..." bullshit. You don't know.

    But wait, it makes sense if there's a God! Oh, but no, we can't SAY THAT!

    Watch HBKS! You'll regret it if you don't!

  9. Holy crap, you're right. Also why is the sky blue. You guys would probably say some crap like "oh its the refraction of sunlight, blah blah" but you know the truth, God made it blue when he created it so we can enjoy the way it looks.

  10. kaitlyn,

    Wow. You took the terry challenge. I was beginning to think terry was slipping away. He's truly a god warrior, ambassador for christ and miracle worker.

    Did he use the jumper cables. What's it like having 12 volts of Jesus running through you?

    Top O' the cap to terry. And congrats to you kaitlyn on your escape from hell. Start collecting crowns.

  11. Thanks craig!

    What's it like having 12 volts of Jesus running through you?


    And congrats to you kaitlyn on your escape from hell.

    Thanks! Smell you later, atheists!

  12. Psst... don't worry, I'm not actually going anywhere. :)

    Even if I go to heaven and all these atheists go to hell, they will always remain in my heart. :)

  13. In fact... if God gave me a choice to go to heaven or hell, I'd still probably choose hell since that's where atheists here like onmagic, whateverman, get_education, B. Franklin, dale, rufus, jill, etc... will be.

    Heaven is nice for the weather, but hell has the greatest company. :)

  14. Kaitlyn said 'bullshit'. I never thought I'd see the day.

  15. Heaven is nice for the weather, but hell has the greatest company. :)


  16. Sorry, I tend to swear like a drunken sailor from time to time. :)

  17. kaitlyn, I'm happy to hear that.

  18. Kaitlyn,

    Let the drunken sailor in you be free. Be free, I say!

  19. I'd still probably choose hell since that's where atheists here like onmagic, whateverman, get_education, B. Franklin, dale, rufus, jill, etc... will be.

    I'm offended to be considered an "etc." Especially considering how handsome I am.

    Yeah, yeah - I know, I'm not posting as much as before - that's because I had a lot more time during the summer!

  20. "I'm offended to be considered an "etc." Especially considering how handsome I am."

    It's okay Hotbod Handsomeface - I was an etc too.

  21. I used to be an etc, but I went on a very, very far trip, and became an ET.

  22. He's not in the video, but I vote for Ken Ham. He's the only one I can think of that is famous, still active, and mainly attacks children.

    Hey Clos, nice to see you again =D

  23. Maragon, you make me smile.

    And it's good to see your more proper avatar back.

  24. SS,

    Thanks, I am busy as hell now, but I'm still thinkin of you all!


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