Sunday, September 14, 2008

Check out these great atheist cartoons - tons of funny ones.

Edit: More funny things. I'm in a silly mood.

A Gospel Explosion?

And all the ladies here can attest to that.


  1. :::::Please state your Internet Abbreviation:::::


    :::::Thank you. Please hold while we wipe the coffee off of your monitor...:::::

    This one and this one cracked me up...

  2. You've inspired me to be silly and irreverent, too.

  3. alas, the babblings of the 'foolish' are so apparent

    There is 'no good work'
    in them.

    Psalm 14:1 quickly comes to mind!
    The truth is proven every day.

    Praying for you!
    Heed His warnings in the scriptures atheists, Judgement Day is coming for all. God Bless!!!

    In His Love,
    Terry :)

  4. Hey Terri-

    Are you "high" on "hash" sailor boy?

  5. The last billboard reminds me of Way of the Master Radio's intro. Some nutbag is giving a speech and finishes with:

    "Was it good for you, God. Cause we came for you!"

    Always makes me wonder why they had that clip in there.

  6. Heed His warnings in the scriptures atheists, Judgement Day is coming for all. God Bless!!!

    Can you please provide a reference to substantiate your previous assertion that Charles Darwin was "high" on "hash" during his voyage on the HMS Beagle?


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