Monday, September 15, 2008

Atheists are God's Enemy!

So much for us all being God's children! We're "His enemy"!

Ray Comfort Wrote:
... if you are an atheist, you are not God's child (He will never damn His children). You are His enemy. The Bible makes that very clear.
- Comment to chris mackey in Ex-atheists post (emphasis added)

So, how long until Ray leads his followers on a Jihad against the godless of the world? We are "the Enemy", after all.


  1. That'd make us all shadow boxers then.

  2. Ray's already part of a Holy War. The same one I believe I'm part of.

    We just have incredibly different ways of looking at it and different ways of fighting it.

  3. He likes to use this verse a fair amount:
    James 4:4 "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."

    to see how many times cut and paste this phrase into Google:
    "james 4"

    A blogger called "Jesus Will Save" used this one once:
    Jeremiah 18:11 "Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you."

  4. If God considers us enemies, is it not only fair that we should be able to take up arms against God?

    Cool! We get to be an army of the damned!

  5. Ray's super fundie list O' things to do:

    step #1: desensitize the masses to the enemy (i.e making generalizations, calling the enemy names, etc.)

    step #2: Establish the enemy (the enemy is "the enemy")

    step #3: Destroy the enemy

    He's moving down the list guys. Seriously though, Ray only cares about himself and it's sad this is the only way he can make friends and be popular. It's like that antisocial kid in the schoolyard that makes fun of the geeky kid so the rest of the class will have a laugh and the antisocial/evil dictator kid gets popular.

  6. If God considers us enemies, is it not only fair that we should be able to take up arms against God?

    Quick, somebody get me an iron chariot! I hear that God is no good against those.

  7. "Ray's already part of a Holy War. The same one I believe I'm part of."

    Rob, you are starting to spout some pretty disturbing stuff.

  8. Mild tangent:

    You know, all we really need to do is quote-mine R&K's videos. They say an awful lot of silly stuff, but it can be used to refute Ray's even sillier blog posts.

    For instance, I'm (right now) suffering through the entire HBKS video, and in it, Ray claims there's no need to tell people they're guilty of sinning; his blog is evidence that he ignores his own wisdom (qand perhaps the Bible itself)

    Kirk's currently saying that hate = murder.

    Damn this is stupid. I'm going to go pith myself after it's over...

  9. Yeah, and as "god's enemy" we must be lying about him...I've replied to Keith about that point on an older Comfort post.

    I'm reposting it here since I don't think it'll see the light of day over there.

    Keith, the lying ex-atheist

    I don't think I've ever met someone who has so skewed the Bible as you.
    Wrong, I only point out what your deity does according to his own word. Back up your accusation please.

    All I read from you is anger at a ‘god’ of your own imagination.
    Outright lie. See above.

    I understand why you’re an Atheist – you’ve built a false god that isn’t Biblical, and you cling to it as fervently aa a child with his favorite blanket.
    I understand why you're a christian. You lie about those who dare disagree with you and then you insult them. Thanks for the lie, and for your ignorant strawman.

    No one can stop you from lying about God, you’ve probably have been doing it for a long long time.
    Again, I'm only going by what his own "holy book" says.

    Seeing your comments over and over is like watching a man in the street shooting up with heroin – the drug owns him – and the drug will kill him – and even though he does it to himself, and it’s foolish, you pity him because he is such a prisoner to himself and it would take a miracle to set him free. You need a miracle.
    You need to be more honest when you're talking about your opponents. That would be a miracle!

    Keith, the only liar here is you. It is the "God" as portrayed in your own bible, especially the OT that I'm repulsed by. Come on, killing pregnant women and babies?

    Why are you saying I'm making this up? How stupid are you?

  10. @ nonmagic:

    What I mean by that is that it's a spiritual war.

    The culture is against us in some ways, and we believe that Satan and his angels are against us. We fight these things.

    My holy war is not against any people that we can see.

    What I mean by "different ways of looking at it and fighting it" is that he views the war as against Satan and the Evolutionists who serve him, and in fighting it I mean that we have different interpretations of the Bible.

    Don't think I'm out to get you. ;)

    Or is it more disturbing to you that I believe in a spiritual realm where Angels and demons exist?

  11. Rob,

    What I mean by that is that it's a spiritual war.

    The culture is against us in some ways, and we believe that Satan and his angels are against us. We fight these things.

    That you believe that their are invisible forces that are evil that you can somehow fight against is also disturbing. Equally so, as a matter of fact.

    Are there not enough visible, tangible efforts on this planet worthy of your attention?

  12. @ nonmagic:

    There are. However, if I truly believe that the spiritual realm influences the physical realm, then I can't throw so much attention to the physical that I forget and neglect my place in the spiritual realm.

    For instance, if I am at a Biker Rally providing free pancakes and coffee to Bikers who are in desperate need of food and drink that 1) isn't poisoning them because they've had too much and B) might help them wake up and be more aware of their surroundings for a bit, then I have fought a powerful physical thing.

    However, if I believe that the spirit of God in me helps me fight against the need to do those kind of things, as well as believing that there are spiritual forces that influence people and make them want to do these things, then I can't just give out pancakes and coffee while ignoring those spiritual things any more than I can preach the gospel and ignore the fact that they need something physical that I could provide.

  13. @ Robb Penn:

    It's tempting, but I really don't want to use this forum as a place to debate your beliefs.

    As much as I respect that you came to them, I have to admit, I'm quite disturbed about the notion of a war in which the combatants can't see each other. I'm very wary of those who portray spiritual issues in terms of "war" and "battle"; it's the hallmark of human influence, rather than divine.

    This reminds me a bit of an infamous quote

  14. Rob,

    That you couldn't just do something for another human being for the sheer sake of them being a fellow human being in need without bringing into it terms that involve unseen, unprovable forces is beyond me.

    People in need do not need illogical, unseen, unprovable religious doctrine introduced into a situation where simply meeting the physical need could do the job just as well. There is no need to muddy the waters with the purely intangible when the tangible works just as well.

  15. Well said, nonmagic.

    The other day I was watching the movie "Bride of Chucky" and having a laugh, when it suddenly struck me that people like Ray actually believe that this stuff is real. Scary thought.

  16. The concept of an struggle between good and evil is older than Zoroastrianism. It's a dramatic and imaginative narrative that allows people to think that they are part of something greater than themselves (because, you know, we're not; and that can be kind of a bummer when you really think about the ultimate futility of all human existence).

    What I don't understand is how Christians think there is any kind of 'struggle' at all. I mean, it's not like God & Satan are two evenly matched entities and the outcome is forever in dispute; God wins - from his point of view, he's already won! So why make us little pawns battle through the pointless war?...

    You know what? I don't know why I'm even bothering to humour this ridiculous hypothetical; the whole thing's a load of made up crap and the only thing it's good for is some cheap entertainment on Blogger!

    Move along people, nothing more to see here...

  17. " nonmagic said...


    That you couldn't just do something for another human being for the sheer sake of them being a fellow human being in need without bringing into it terms that involve unseen, unprovable forces is beyond me."

    Lovely, NM.

    As Einstein said,

    "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."

  18. oops. I put this in the wrong thread.

    @ nonmagic:

    I would feed them pancakes for the sheer sake of them being a fellow human being. Even if I weren't a Christian, that's a good thing to do.

    I do the spiritual things because of my spiritual beliefs.

  19. Rob,

    I addressed it in the appropriate thread, thanks.


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